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    So with your logic, people shouldn’t sell things and give the proceeds to charity at all. Because that’s what you’re arguing here. They were going to give it all to the family. In some states, it would have been ILLEGAL to do so, so they were trying to find a way around that. WB stated that, the dev stated that.

    Wonder if someone should tell Wendy’s that the 8-Bit Arcade is a real place in Renton, Washington...

    Doesn’t hurt the FBW comes with Stick.

    Now I’m curious. Do you mean the show in general or just this one episode?

    IF you’re buying loot boxes to get more skins, then that’s okay by your logic? The whole point is to collect and buy them.

    That makes sense though, at least 8 different wrestlers have been the guy at this point.

    ALL of it to charity. Problem was people over-reacted to the parts where they had to say they couldn’t in certain states or other countries. But as the dev stated, the plan was always to give the money to his family.

    Pokemon. Staryu and Starmie are Pokemon.

    It’s probably because they can always go “well he said all that, but we think he was different when he died.” Basically use the fact he made peace with Vince as a sign he’d changed on other things. And unlike the other legends they’ve gotten burned with adding to the HoF (Sunny, the Butcher, Hogan), he’s not alive to

    So the games you listed aren’t the best of examples. At least in terms of sales. Nioh sold less than a 3/4 million, GR2 less than 250,000, and Yakuza 0 less than a half a million. (For comparison, HZD is at 3.46m, Persona 5 1.02m).
    He’s also not wrong, you just assume he’s talking about games. He’s talking more about

    Officially the market leader in VR headsets is Samsung with the Gear VR at 4.2 million sold. It’s not a PC headset, but then again, neither is the PSVR either.

    So, for one, nintendo really doesn’t need the advertising that comes from people showing their stuff. There’s been studies that show that as long as there’s a certain amount of advertising attached a game before release, streamers/youtubers have almost no effect either way on sales. With that mind set, it makes sense

    NBA2k18? Did they buy him some points cards so he could actually play the game too?

    Your Vita and PS3 lists are for this month. Oh wait, those are the MISTAKE list from last month, made current.

    Not unheard of. I bought a used game at Gamestop once and realized I just hated it. I was well within the return time frame (I think it was like the 5th day, since I’d been too busy with work to play it before that) and stopped at a different Gamestop than I usually go to on the way to visit a friend. Cashier told me

    Emulator’s live in a grey area that’s actually well protected. As long as they wrote their own code and don’t use any assets from the original code, they’re fine. The real legal problem comes with ROMs, which aren’t generally protected and a vast majority of the internet seems to have a misguided belief that if you

    What legal emulator would that be? See the original ruling on this, the judge stated that backup copies were allowed but couldn’t be used unless the original was damaged or destroyed and the backup itself had to be on the same media. Also, the judge stated that the owner of the original had to make the copy themselves

    Exactly the same as Uranium, actually. They were using assets from the already existing games (sprites and music were directly lifted) while running a Patreon to get money for development.

    Active members of known hate groups. There’s a big difference between that and white supremacists in general. It’s estimated that 1% of the US population believes in white supremacy, or about 3.23 million people. Most are just afraid that joining an official group would get them cast out from most of society. They

    I have these in-game. They’re still in as of 9PM-ish PST. They’re unchanged, same graphics. However, if I try to view my character in the Destiny app they show up as a blank white screen that says “Classified”.