You do realize that the ruling that allowed you to make a back up very clearly spelled out you had to make the backup on the exact same type of media and that you couldn’t use the backup unless the original became unusable right?
You do realize that the ruling that allowed you to make a back up very clearly spelled out you had to make the backup on the exact same type of media and that you couldn’t use the backup unless the original became unusable right?
Telling everyone, including the pro’s, you can’t sream past a certain point doesn’t hurt them? Disabling PS4 share is an annoyance at best, even to the casual users, most of whom will NEVER press the share button. But it doesn’t matter who is inconceniences, it’s their game and its their right to shut down an…
Or just tell them to go watch a review video, or the trailer or someone who put up the parts Atlus is okay with people showing off. They don’t have to watch YOU play, you just want them to because it makes you feel a little bit more important.
And as I said to someone else, where was this outrage when the Bioshock…
“Sharing is currently blocked through the native PS4 UI.” -Atlus Memo
The few studies that exist are mostly locked behind paywalls. But those who can access them (mostly marketing people and various business execs.) can tell you the general idea is that longer streams/videos about non-multiplayer, major title game releases (Persona 5 isn’t a indie by any stretch of the imagination)…
They more or less said this is only temporary anyway. And given that 99% of users will never touch that share button, it only hurts people who stream for money really.
I second this. Last market study I ever saw done about this subject showed that titles with major advertising campaigns actually lose sales due to Twitch/YouTube streamers, because a certain percentage of people know the big personalities will play these games so they don’t have to and will just watch the person play.…
Two of those guys are Raw guys, and Nakamura has a title match the night before. Considering the rumors are the original plan was to have Shane V Brock (which got scrapped when Goldberg agreed to a new contract that ran through Wrestlmania), which makes more sense, given the whole Summerslam setup for it. But it…
“The Spring Festival will run from March 20th to April 13th.”
The GoWIII code shows up as $20 on Amazon, and Chivarly isn’t showing up as free on Steam.
The GoWIII code shows up as $20 on Amazon, and Chivarly isn’t showing up as free on Steam.
They never said 2m at launch, they said 2m by the end of March. Since it launched on the 3rd, it’s a very real possibility they would get another half a million units to market by the end of the month.
Wii U only sold 3.2m units of hardware in the first quarter of release. It wouldn’t cross the 4m mark until a year after release.
It took months for the PS4 to meet demand, so no. Even at the time, in Feb after launch, Sony itself came out and said it would be at least APRIL of that year before they could meet the demand. It was sold out just about everywhere. To quote Jack Tretton:
“...we still have demand far outstripping supply and I think…
Nintendo has a history of launching in Feb/March/April, surprisingly. So does Sony.
Switch: March 3
3dDS: March 27
PS Vita: Feb 22
DSi: April 5
PSP: March 24
Gameboy Advance SP: March 23
Think it’s more of a knee jerk reaction to what happened with the Gamecube than anything. Cube sold massively less then they though, leaving them with a massive bacstock they had to sell at a loss to get rid of. It may seem like they’re short supplying, but its more “make as much as you can until things slow down.” so…
Realize that almost every job will fire you for doing something like what Jonton did. You’re free to have your opinions, but if you flout them in public, in a public forum, and they become news; your actions/words now reflect on them. And they’re going to respond, either for PR or moral reasons, or both.
One doesn’t need to have anything to do with the other. Check your employment agreement, I can promise you there’s a clause in there that states if you get arrested for anything, and they find out or it ends up in a public forum, you’re fired. Even if the arrest has nothing to do with your job, your profession, and…
What hyperbole? We’re now at the 2 month mark. The Secret Service has requested, and been denied, an estimated $60m they believe they need to protect Trump for the rest of the year alone. He’s officially cost the US government $21m in his trips to the “southern White House”, using more in two months than Obama did in…
The law has never officially ruled on emulation since the passing of the DMCA. At least not in America. In Canada they recently ruled against a company that distributed mod chips and emulators as violating the Canadian version of the DMCA and gave Nintendo $11.7m for the copyright violations. Closest the USA has ever…
The original ruling that allows you to have a backup copy. It said that your copy must be in the same format as the original and cannot be altered in any way.
Combine that with the DMCA, 17 U.S.C Sec 1202 (a)(2):