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    Except they DID have these issues with Ingress.

    That’s not Niantic saying that. It’s a random outside company with no access to the in-app sales, which is where all their money would come from, after Google, Nintendo and Pokemon Co take their cut/get paid back.

    The Vita has only sold between 8 and 10 million units to date. (By best guess, since Sony stop disclosing Vita sales a while back). The Wii U is at 13+ million. The Vita number drops further if you remove Vita TV from the count.

    It will. Not a lot of people are going to be willing to shovel out another $400 bucks for a new system. If games start being Scorpio/NEO exclusive, Sony is going to get backlash and the number of copies for those games sales wise will suffer massively from being locked out of the larger group. If at some point the

    It would likely flop? Sony cranked out a high powered portable in the Vita. Flopped.

    Fun fact, I don’t lie. I’ve been a professional game tester for several of the bigger devs in the Seattle area for over 10 years.

    It’s leftover ammo from the birther movement. They claim that Obama was given a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program under the name Barry Soetoro from Indonesia. They think releasing the transcripts will prove the birth certificate was fake and justify all the BS they

    Oxford’s isn’t wrong, but 2fast2war isn’t even using the Oxford website, which none of those definitions show up for. And he’s using the colloq. definitions. Colloq. is short colloquial which means a casual or informal useage. The dictionary will acknowledge it as it’s commonly used, but they don’t consider it a

    First up, using the official oxford site, we see that a hacker is

    So we know they asked, as pokevision itself issued a statement, I want to say Friday, saying they were shutting down to respect the request they’d gotten from niantic and Nintendo (which seems odd, Nintendo is very hands of with this so far, wonder if they saw pokemon co on the request and assumed it was Nintendo,

    You get lost on your way to gawker? I’m sure there’s a post over there somewhere that needs a $hillry bot thrown at it.

    Niantic spun out of Google last year when Google became alphabet. Google has a vested interest in the company, but so do others.

    So over half the user base was using an API that, in theory, doubled or more the amount of server resources and calls to Google Map (which costs Niantic money). Remember, it didn’t just note that stuff for you, it called for everything it could in your area then uploaded it to a database.
    And yeah, if Niantic hadn’t

    Because those programs piggybacked into Pokemon Go’s code and then made large numbers of extra requests to the server, slowing the server down and driving up the game’s operating cost, as they have to pay every time the game tings google maps. And if they hadn’t ask them to be taken down, Pokemon Co would have over

    When you make a program that piggybacks on the game’s code, which is a violation of the ToS to start with, and then make a bunch of extra requests of the server in order to aquire its data, costing Niantic money both by the extra requests to google maps, and the extra load to the servers slowing everyone down, yeah,

    How so? Almost all of those services were API that directly tapped into Pokemon Go’s code and piggybacked into the server. It then would request more data than the game was intended to, causing an unexpected increased load on the server. Increased loads means increased slow-downs for everyone, not just the user

    the “three step bug” wasn’t a bug. They shut down the feature on the server side because it was using too much API with google maps. So the server just sent back a 3 footprints to everything. The feature was causing their already strained servers to overload even more.

    Well yeah they did. They knew they were living on borrowed time, so the best thing to do is talk to all your users and try to make the big bad company that was going to shut them down look more evil before they got pulled down. If Niantic hadn’t done it, Pokemon Co. would have. They shut down a party to daring to use

    I’ve had 10 CP caterpies and weedles breaking out of Pokeballs in bulk since day one. I’ve actually experienced a decrease in the number doing that lately.

    Has it occured to anyone they got shut down because they were using pictures of the Pokemon? Pokemon Co. is pretty hardcore about people using their stuff. They shut down that Pokemon party at PAX Prime last year.