Fentanyl Is My Copilot

Does it faerie sparkle? If not, GTFO with that shit.

If he puts the baby in the blender I will be extremely worried.

New glasses.

You clearly need to see Mandy Moore in Saved!, one of the greatest movies of all time.


He may look like Hank Scorpio, but from the general vibe he gives off, I get the feeling that he's going to try to sell me a monorail.

Like so many other things in life, the Simpsons did it first. How do we know this Bulletproof guy isn't Hank Scorpio?

I have a rock that keeps tigers away. I have never seen a tiger. QED.

I always thought that was just a one-off Simpsons joke.

Not to be too much of a buzzkill here, but isn't the CDC's job sorta kinda raising the alarm on health issues in the first place?

Not to belittle a serious article, but "main vein"? I hate being the default medical editor on the site (what am I saying, I'm in the grays and my comments are usually ignored by the writers) but "main vein" is slang for the penis, and that's the only way I've ever heard it used. There is a rather large vein in the

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Ha! My husband never fails to pick mine up — microphone style — and say, "Hey, good lookin'! We'll be back to pick you up later!"

Playing Devil's Advocate here, she may be less a licenced nurse, and more a trained home health aide who cannot replace that car if it's damaged and wouldn't get reimbursement for cabs.

Chicago is the worst fucking city for this dibs shit. There's great public transit...but it doesn't go everywhere, and this is a city where you can get hypothermia if you're out for more than 10 minutes in winter. Also the public transit is bursting at the seams at the moment. Too many people and not enough trains, so

No, I'd imagine her wondering if they will do that what else will they do. She is a paid professional, not a saint.

I see where the nurse is coming from. It's a personal safety issue. One day it's vandalizing her car- it's rational to fear things could get worse.It may be an unwritten rule that you don't take a shoveled out space but it's the law that spaces on a public street is first come first served.

The nurse's job is stressful enough, keeping a kid well and presumably other folks too throughout the day/night. It's winter and crappy weather. She's probably not making as much as she could. Having garbage dumped all over your car for no reason would put plenty of folks over the edge.

Hi, I'm an Aussie from Melbourne- Australia's coffee capitol (and some say wanker Capitol)

I meant Michael J. Fox. Stupid tablet autocorrect. Ugh.