Fentanyl Is My Copilot

You don't sound like a conspiracy kook. You just sound like somebody who doesn't really understand what they're talking about. Thousands of Americans die of the flu every year. The reason to get the flu shot is that it significantly reduces the risk of healthy young to middle aged adults contracting the flu virus and

"And I hold my ground when the average luddite sheep gives me grief."

I have to agree, this wasn't quite the grossest thing I've ever read or experienced, but then, I'm a nurse with great experience in Interventional Proctology. But as first efforts go, it's not bad. Here's a pro tip for all: don't dig in your pooper with your fingers on a daily basis. It leads to prolapse of the anus.

"Sasquatch doesn't have anything you haven't seen before."

At least they found love.

That's impressively reasoned and mature. What are you doing on Gawker?

Yes, there is always the possibility that someone is lying. But when I say "context", I'm not talking about the actual moment of the rape itself. I'm talking about all the other evidence that might point toward whether a crime occurred (whether either party was intoxicated, whether they knew each other, whether people

Um... well, yes they do. My dad has stories of people who tried to stage a robbery of their own property or set fire to their own house in order to collect on the insurance. So cops routinely look for signals or clues that suggest the person's story is fabricated. For example, someone saying they were robbed, but the

The police routinely try to prove robberies didn't happen before they believe the shop owner? They try to investigate whether the mugging was real before taking to the streets to find the perp?

I agree. The current norm is that rape victims aren't believed to the degree they should be. But if we're going to get to a place where rape allegations are taken more seriously than they are now, the process shouldn't be to silence or ignore skepticism. You have to confront it, and neutralize it with factual and

Yet it was the lack of any skepticism by the reporter in this story, in the name of protecting Jackie, which has now ruined her life (which Jackie seemed to have felt coming, given the news that she begged Erdeley to kill the story) and profoundly damaged the ability for future victims to be taken as seriously as they

Part of proving any crime is fully investigating all possible scenarios, including scenarios where the crime didn't happen. Fully and rationally dealing with skepticism is what we should want if the goal is justice for rape victims. Its the same reason why we should want the best possible lawyers to provide an

Paul Rudd was in a frat? That is disappointing information.

My cousin named her daughter Addison, and I was just like "isn't there an Addison's Disease or am I getting the ergot-flavored Wheat Thins again?"

Jesus, Ebola isn't like zombie super AIDS. They could've dipped it in some bleach and that would've been that. This is absurd and stupid.

Destroying the ring was total nonsense. Heat sterilization and time are more than sufficient. These overkill measures make the virus seem much more dangerous than it really is.

Fewer words please. My god, tl;dr.

He was also the lone guy in an aerobics class in that Eric Prydz "Call Me" video about women's butts.

I have the Thermos 16oz travel tumbler. Bought it 3 years ago. It has been through lots of abuse, including bouncing off asphalt (drove off with it on top of the car). It doesn't spill, insulates VERY well, easily disassembles for cleaning, solid construction. Every few months, I drop a denture cleaner tablet into it,

I have the Thermos 16oz travel tumbler. Bought it 3 years ago. It has been through lots of abuse, including bouncing