Fentanyl Is My Copilot

I just wanted to say good luck, we're all counting on you.

Sometimes, mostly at previous jobs! But mostly my problem is relating everything to Simpsons episodes - but a lot of people have that problem.

Okay, good troll, but I'll bite anyway: "Making him feel invisible and unwanted." A lot of us feel this way. It stinks. Our society is very atomized and competitive, and often superficial and mean. Feeling lonely is one thing. I have been there, and I have nothing but the deepest sympathy.

I'm surprised at all the haters. Because, yes, I would. But I also have a thing for (and married a) skinny dudes with curly hair.


I've always loved how retro-future designs never accounted for clothing style, family dynamics, or gender politics to ever come into play. Nope, the housewife will wear her polka-dot house dress while her breadwinner husband comes home in a suit and hat, but hey at least they'll have a fridge that comes out of the

Every "The Sims" kitchen ever:

This is basically the Venture Compound. Right down to the learning beds.

Look at any article on this site about diet, mental health, bullying or another "charged" issue and you will see in the comments that people's anecdotal experiences outweigh scientific findings ALL THE TIME.

I could point you to any number of discussions on articles posted to this very site; righteous indignation and a sense of victimhood amongst the privileged who assume that having to share—or *GASP* reduce their own unearned privilege in the instance of fairness—means they're being targeted create a relatively

Not ALL women!

I watched my little sister get eaten by a family of bears, you bastard.

No. I'm not going to change my reading list to address your special needs, because I have another student who was in the Iraq war, and has different triggers, and another student who has an eating disorder and has different triggers. I have over 100 students. I cannot be guardian for all of their mental health

just to be ready to catch a baby if God saw fit to give us one

I admit, I'm a doctor's office baby. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO and I'm not afraid to use it! Your essential oils can all go to hell.

1. Accept it and change nothing. 2. Get a prescription for something you might have to take forever. 3. Tweak lifestyle, diet, self-care routine ad nauseam with natural things until a solution is found.

Migraines. The amount of links I get from people who know I suffer from chronic migraines are just irritating to the point of causing more migraines.

Is "lost your sparkle" like "not having enough flare"?

This is a really great recipe, Albert, but I make a few changes when I make it. First, I use avocados instead of chickpeas, and then I also make guacamole instead of hummus.