
I just went through the archive, it's an excellent recommendation for a fan comic.

Your answer gave me cancer.

Remember, this is the internet, where if you're not a staunch atheist who mocks any religious person, you're functionally retarded and deserve to die.

Since when?

Only it is real in the Marvel Universe.

Sure, Hulk, how succesful were your movies again?

God in the Marvel universe is Jack Kirby.

EULAs are not legally binding.

You do realize you'd be first in line.

Read the other comments, before you get even more judgmental.

I don't really agree with his comment, but didn't you get a wee bit carried away, there, sport?

As Mexican illegal immigrants? Yeah, right, that's gonna happen. I think you have a better chance at citizenship being a card-carrying Al Qaeda member than as a Mexican illegal.

As tourists, my parents had drivers licenses in the state of Texas, we have never been residents (nor have we had any interest) but we used to go pretty often for medical purposes.

Nawww man, everyone knows the First World, and even then only 'MERICA! holds the monopoly on technology and modernity.

His cult classic "MehBack"

You had me until the Fat one.

Of course there are no tables.

It's worked for Gawker media.

It's all weird.