No, it’s not just because its him that the voice irritates the crap out of you. Donald really does have an almost unbearably harsh, whiney bray.
No, it’s not just because its him that the voice irritates the crap out of you. Donald really does have an almost unbearably harsh, whiney bray.
It only stuck me last week how... constructed her voice is.
yes this is like a vignette of a terrible child that a caregiver has to suffer for ... something that would be comical in a sitcom but horrifying in real life. I can see Trump like, forcing them to buy the lemonade too ‘like come on I know you have more money somewhere, I pay you enough!’
The second part of that lemonade stand story In The New Yorker is kind of revealing, too, but in a different way:
They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.”
Chiming in as a huuuuge Dragonball nerd from Mexico. It wasn’t always this way for the Latin American dub (also, lumping in Brazil with the Spanish speaking Americas is dumb, alsop wrong, since, according to Team Fourstar, the Kamehameha is known in Brazil as Luz Infinita, Infinite Light)
And Ganon will turn out to be the Real Villain™
You’re missing the point. He’s not taking the low-hanging fruit. That would have been true 6 months ago, now, he needs to tackle this arsehole.
I only have one question. What in the hell is he supposed to be shooting? As in ammo, not targets.
They have seen Sex and the City
They can rant because the damn things don’t hover.
Bear arms.
No rent space.
I don't wanna live on this planet anymore...