It was a reply to you, and welll, anyone who wants adware-free JREs.
It was a reply to you, and welll, anyone who wants adware-free JREs.
Emulators aren't doing anything wrong.
English R.I.P.
Yep, that was it. Glass houses, Mr. Varkar.
I bet the sandals go great with all those hemp clothes people who'd make them wear.
I love me some CCleaner.
Proof of a cold, uncaring universe.
Y'know, as I was reading, I was preparing something for the comments...
One thing I will say, my imaginary girlfriends make for much better stories than my real ones.
Mysp—*snort* BAHAHAHAHA
So edgy.
Here, guy.
Damn, I feel old.
So one I'm disgusted by their taste in music and another I'm disgusted by their taste in beer.
A very technical class, I see. :P
lol, I knew that one would come back and bite me in the ass, but yeah, Hip hop is barely music.
There's no way to get a better (newer/older OS) version? Even if it's an unofficial way?