
I read that as current-gen PC specs.

Indeed, TWO whole posts in a 3 months long season is waaay too much. Lead the revolution, brother!

I'd give 'em a high five.

He just wants someone to help him rationalize his marijuana use as good for him.

Restraining order in 3,2,1...

"Let there be light" is just how our puny minds could comprehend His metal.

By your logic, Justin Bieber is a modern Mozart.

A real shocker would be to see Sam Biddle or any Giz blogger in there.

"So I'll post about it on the Internet."

I read the headline and immediately thought: Sam Biddle.

That's hardly a stab, so, your answer is "no".

I'm not gonna say no to that last statement, but you do have to realize that such a sweeping generalization is wrong, just by virtue of being a sweeping generalization. One should at least try to back up what we say with something, and that goes for the writer of this article as well.

Ahhh internet, never fails to deliver.

Probably part of Mustafar's atmosphere by now.

>Implying kids are cute.

We just need less of them, did I get that right?

Yea, me too, I even got so far as getting a computers engineering degree before finally changing my mind.