HD means High Definition.
HD means High Definition.
It does?
I'm playing devil's advocate here, I haven't handled a Wii U yet, but I do believe that majority will rule again on whether this one tanks or not. Nintendo has taken some risky gambits (analog stick[s], motion control, dual screens), and they tend to pay off, Virtual Boy notwithstanding.
Well, seriously, one thing has nothing at all to do with the other. But do enlighten us.
Sure you will.
That's all very interesting, and it's something one rarely thinks about.
It also makes a statement, Apple isn't the only juggernaut that can play 'petty patent troll'.
I won't go as far as calling you "most disgusting in the world", but this is a very big case of [citation needed]
A small part, I gather.
You don't have to be perfect, you just need to READ THE FUCKING ARTICLE BEFORE YOU COMMENT.
Apples and oranges, how is not being a driving force for new games make wanting things to be open and available even remotely related?
Indeed, very underrated, I think.
I was poking fun at the spelling of jiggle as giggle. It would be very funny to see a calf (of either the baby cow/whale or the leg part varieties) giggle.
I was poking fun at the spelling of jiggle as giggle. It would be very funny to see a calf (of either the baby cow/whale or the leg part varieties) giggle.
I just remember people bitching about the dual screens on the DS when it was first shown, and how contrary it was to human anatomy (how we can only look towards one direction).
I'm sure it's a top priority for them to alleviate your concerns.
It's a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" scenario, so I can see why they just go the quiet route.
I would love to see a calf giggle, would be funny as hell.