I would love to see a calf giggle, would be funny as hell.
I would love to see a calf giggle, would be funny as hell.
>Hackers and pirates want everything open and available to all.
I certainly think not!
Love that movie.
Mellymel the investment banker...?
Semi-innocent, lol.
That it's Apple.
We don't get that one where I'm from.
Until a future study shows eating -anything- causes cancer, that is :P
That is... actually pretty accurate.
Lol, VERHOVEN[sic], rocks and glass houses, if you're gonna chew me out on spelling sonmeone's name wrong (I did it purposefully, btw, it's the way Arnold's name sounds in his heavy Austrian accent. Pretty sad I have to spell it out for you)
Ugh, everything causes cancer, this is why it's best to avoid reading science journals.
>It's because people feel better about themselves when they feel holier than thou.
So... margarine causes cancer now... sure...
Beautifully played.
He likes lesser beings to feel useful. The only reason he allows the Justice League to exist.
Except the submit button, it seems.