Dust for Vomit


That was my second choice. Joan looks dated, by now, as she doubtless would have. I'm sure we both knew women frozen in the style of their youth....

I lived through it. Born in 1960. I think Sally looks most authentic in my experience, but then that was my age....

My thoughts, exactly!

I believe she is riffing on the stupidity that is Jenny McCarthy and the anti-vaxxers. I don't believe she is addressing the appropriate use of antibiotics.

I had a brunette friend when I was a young girl whose hair would lighten dramatically when exposed to sunlight. I promise she did nothing to it but wash it— strict southern Baptist family and all. I'm thinking his ends got sumner sun?

I am very tall, so I may well be wrong, but aren't petite clothes just shorter versions of regular ones? If so, it is easier to try on for size in store and then order online? I do that with talks, which are very rarely in stores.
I wish there were more longer options in 14 and up sizes.

Because when you are an asshat, your vision of yourself is obscured.

The one on the right doesn't even look like her— maybe Jennifer Connelly's little sister. Why hire a famous beautiful woman and photoshop her beyond recognition?

I tried yoga for a year and found it made me more anxious, ditto mindfulness meditation. This is not uncommon. I quit practicing law, several times. I manage my anxiety fairly well most of the time, especially with the help of Zoloft. It seems to be systemic, not situational....

Sort of a Gangnam Style for grocery stores

Thanks for the helpful links. I agree with her that the UD primers are overrated, except for Sin, which works better!

Don't prejudge. I found plenty of sexism in white collar jobs, fwiw. I hope it turns out better than you expect!

Biotene oral rinse, four times a day really helps me. Chewing sugarless peppermint gum, too.

I have baby fine, very slightly wavy hair, and tried Bumble and Bumble Thickening Shampoo and Conditioner in a spa shower, and bought some. It is the best, and does not have the strong fruity smell of Pantene

I think so. It is a silica-based, rather than talc or corn starch, which are white.

I suspect that a tiny bit has to do with being physically weaker on average, and thus more vulnerable in extreme situations, and historically having little direct power, leading to social conditioning

Carrie Underwood is Frank's daughter, ostracized from the family for being too nice, like Marilyn Munster...

Original is a relative concept with her....

Try half tucking over to one side, to create a nice diagonal. Works for me, and I have your body type, albeit taller. Also, prints the size of your fist are more flattering, or just stick with dark solids or vertical stripes....you sure are pretty!