Dust for Vomit

Best summer beauty products for under $10 (each, I assume)

First cousins share grandparents, second cousins great-grandparents, third great-great grandparents. Removing is being the child/grandchild/etc. of someone who is x cousin. If my father is the second cousin of X, I am the second cousin, once removed, of X, and vice versa.

Um, this

I vote for the peach satin party dress with the floor length white slip underneath

So it’s basically low rent J Peterman, without the outrageous copy?

My dad used to say, "don't buy more stereo than you can hear." He's been hard of hearing for decades, and just can't hear the difference. It's like a lot of things: wine, coffee, whatever. Some people can tell the difference in quality; others can't or don't care. I can't tell the difference either, between CDs,

yes, there is definitely more "information" on a CD than an MP3, and even more on vinyl. Whether you can actually notice the difference.....

I want a car phone with a curly cord

Your name is infinite, like the Longines Symphonette

eBay has lots of EF. It holds up well, so used lasts a long time

or, in my case, too tall as well as big, for store bought clothes. Lots of us had home sewn clothes in SC then

Lands' End has plenty in our sizes, at top quality and reasonable prices, especially on sale.

His statement is in keeping with his narrative that he's starring in an old movie....review his press conferences from when he was discovered

yeah, but would Andre really have been better than Sanford's chief of staff, whose name escapes me?

because he's a Republican who said Bible. 'Nuff said for many of my fellow South Carolinians

Jesus Mulligan's would be a great bar name

he has always been a loose cannon. Some voters find that charming.

hey, we also elect smart politicians! Lindsay Graham may be a troglodyte, but he is undeniably smart!

Or the Queen of Tattoos

when I went to school, back in the dark ages of the 1960s and 1970s, in SC, there were no air-conditioned class rooms, and no shorts or tank tops. We managed. In August, when school starts back, it regularly hits the mid 90s, with max humidity.