Dust for Vomit

I am tired of jeans that are displaced by my curvy butt when I sit down. High-backs, for sure!

It depends on where your fat is and how tight they are. Low-waisted ones, on curvier bodies, have to cut into fat to stay up, leaving muffin top. Tight anything will squoosh out the fat around it. If your jeans top "waistband" sits gently somewhere smaller than what is below it, you won't get muffin top.

I don't believe they are actually married. Just life partners in the best sense of the word

Hmm, you sound like me, so maybe I will!

I liked watching Treme, but know that IRL, I would consider it a circle of hell. I am too Lutheran, I guess. Grew up outside a town in SC. Y'all have fun, though!

Check with your university's career office, also your undergrad college

Google is their friend. I would think that more Jezzies would get into Emma Peel than superheroes, don't you?

My dear husband chimed in, while we ate dinner at home, as I was commenting that I had not bought the flowers for the table I usually buy, yesterday, with "because only suckers buy flowers on Valentine's Day." It went downhill after that....
He is patient when my anxiety and/or depression kick in, and he makes me laugh

I got Mr. Steed

It's a fine line between clever and stupid!

Yeah, so she'd be a shoo- in!
I thought she did a good job....

Emma Stone? I like Amy Adams for it....Cate Blanchette

I am making decent money with little effort selling CDs, DVDs and books on Amazon. They even sell you the postage and you print it out and tape it to the package and leave it for the mail carrier...

Yeah, it's like the headshots classical musicians use. When they walk out on stage, they are often unrecognizable. I suppose the photos help them get bookings, because unfortunately the visual has overtaken the auditory even in serious music....

Who knew? Just like us!
Whoa, sorry, got carried away there....

Yeah, kind of made me feel a bit better about my battle-scarred gams

Yeah, the innocent party gets screwed, even if the property damage is ultimately fully paid, if only because of the time wasting....

Part of what you pay premiums for is to have your insurance company do the dicking around on your behalf. Let them.

Hey, don't write off all these shops. I am no fan of Chico's overly bright and embellished stuff, but their basics are great, especially if you have a bit extra around the midriff...a pair of Bliss black pants were my go to until I lost too much weight. ...ditto Coldwater Creek. My two favorite toppers are from there,

I find it is like showing up at a party where everyone has been drinking for a while, and talking at each other. It is announcements. I prefer a more conversational medium.