Dust for Vomit


talking on the phone, with or without hands, has been repeatedly shown to equal drunk driving

Seems like the petroleum jelly would attract a lot of lint, pet hair, and general gunk....


Weight lifting causes your body to release some great "magic" substance that apparently does the trick. I would assume that you just need to do enough to trigger this release. Otherwise, I have read that the additional calorie burn from trained muscles in and of itself is not much compared to how much you can eat—it's


@zombie Ms. Skittles—with no injury, no lawyer is likely to be interested in your case.

If you want me to look at your attachments, don't zip them.

You do want to keep the inside at 40 degrees or lower for food safety, too.

Depends on the job. If you want a solid, mature person and the job doesn't call for tech skills (think partner in large law firm), sure [aol.com] is fine. Hotmail is just pathetic to me. Names that aren't more or less your real name might work for creative fields, but not in a business setting...and for goodness'

Pay close attention to how similar clothing to yours is priced. I was shocked to find out, too late to do anything about it, how low one store priced my mint condition Eileen Fisher items, while another —my favorite now—priced them three times higher. I get 10% less of the total price at the second store, but you do

None of these have sunscreen, which is critical. I like the Clinique Longlast Glosswear—it has SPF and it really stays on—I just came back from a frigid beach walk. It comes in clear, if that matters. It costs a bit, but since I only have to apply it after I eat—drinking is fine, per day it doesn't cost all that much.

I love my huge LL Bean Boat 'n' Totes. They hold a huge load of groceries, stand upright and open to be filled, and streamline the entire grocery hauling process. They are not easily washed. They are perhaps fifteen years old.

or just photocopy both sides of everything in your wallet from time to time. Just lay everything out on the platen, hit "copy" and flip them over. Repeat. Done.

"expensive" humidifier? walmart has them for very little money, especially compared to the cost of a computer!

The only concern I have about parking far from the door is not getting killed by vehicles desperately seeking a closer space as I walk through the lot! I wish they would put a walkway down the middle of each parking aisle.

Comfrey has liver toxicity issues. Please look into the herbs you plan to use on a reliable medical site before you throw them in!

My mother-in-law, disappointed with her son's first academic job at the University of Southern Maine, kept on about how her friends didn't know where that was—it was a sort of WASP Brahmin version of not knowing what Dancing With the Stars is about. It didn't impress me with the quality of their Seven Sisters

Yes, but if you are a sweaty sleeper, it is better to let your bed air out—perhaps while you are eating breakfast. I pull up and then fold down the sheets neatly in halves and then quarters, so it's easy to make the bed after it's aired out a bit.

My greatest annoyance is spurious password parameters—like "you cannot use a symbol," or "you must use caps, lower case and a symbol." I have several really strong passwords, but a universally acceptable one is impossible. So I keep having to be "reminded" of my password on the rogue sites that won't accept my basic