
Nissan should also stop spending tons of money sending a select group of favored “journalists” on vacation every few months.

Do you ever put gas in your car? Do you manage to pump gas without touching the pump.

What I want to know is how that woman got whipped cream on her cloth interior?

OH SHIT. We can’t admit there might be a decent crossover, can we?

Maybe I should branch out into motorcycle journalism.

And at least you didn’t bin it into a hedge like a certain other moto journalist did!

Enough to know that “real” is not the same as “’90s street culture.”

This car was absolutely perfect for the time. Like the Toyo Tires sticker... over the tire...

I’m 37. I name my cars. I drive a new Subaru WRX named Moana, because Moana kicks ass. I also previously drove a VW GTI named Ariel.

This resonates, though.

For bragging rights, I think. And because he actually liked them.

I know someone who owned two Phaetons.

Holy shiiiiiiiit.

By pricing it at $28,000?

Fotis, along with his girlfriend Michelle Troconis, who was reportedly in the car

Or the byline.

I’ve ridden in his Accord. He’s not wrong.

Well after Willow was dating Tara and identified as gay, she and Xander had a conversation in the magic shop in which he said something about nerdy girls being cute, and she said that she wished he’d noticed that in high school. There were plenty of little throwaway comments like that.

I love most of these, but I don’t know about “Yurt.” There’s a new brewery near my in-laws’ lake house in Michigan, and they’re supposed to be setting up yurts to rent sometime this summer, and every time we go there the word “yurt” is the topic of conversation, and these are the kind of people who would maybe not be

Pretty sure there was a Popemobile based on this. Or this was based on the Popemobile. Not sure of timing.