
He reminds me of Orlando Bloom with that little ‘stache.

Did you have this photo at the ready, or...?

I read elsewhere that they implanted a tracker, which seems to indicate (at least to me) that the shark was, indeed, still alive.

I’m not vegan but the Petit Vour sounds great. If Birchbox doesn’t shape up, I might switch. (Six days after they “attempt” to have all boxes shipped out and I don’t have a shipping notification yet.)

Missing the point but okay.

Yes, I get that. Thanks. :)

I just have an issue with the word “free” in this case because it is something that is being earned, but not being used. Deciding to use it doesn’t suddenly make it free because you were working for it all along. I recognize the psychological benefits of the word, but the inaccuracy bugs me.

I hate the common phrasing that an employer 401(k) match is “like getting free money.” It is not. It is a benefit that you, as an employee, are earning. It seems more helpful and more honest to think of it as part of the total compensation package, along with healthcare and other such benefits, instead of something

Oh, I had a GTI, too. ;)

“Little calf who doesn’t seem to have a name yet...”

I also fail to see how biscuits and gravy “might actually work.” Dusting a chip with gravy mix does not result in “biscuits and gravy.”

Great points. My dance instructor ran into a similar situation when she offered a Groupon (a little different, because it wasn’t valid for existing students) and she’ll never do it again because they weren’t valuable clients.

YES. <3 GTIs.

I run, spin, and do yoga. Too bad I didn’t do those things when I drove a Jetta. :(

This is absolutely correct, unfortunately... but I LOVE my scooter.

I had a Jetta as a teen. I was way ahead of the curve. Suck it, Ocean.

I’m not sure, but I’d guess it would vary based on the store’s arrangement with the ambassador. I don’t know if any of my yoga instructors have done it, but I’ve attended classes at a HIIT-type studio where one of the instructors was an ambassador. She wore the lulu pants and bra with one of the studio’s own tops. Her

My understanding is that the ambassadors get free clothes in exchange for wearing them while teaching, and they also develop relationships with specific stores and appear in in-store marketing and promotions.

I really don’t know. It’s unfortunate, though.

Fighting him on abortion is a waste of time because he’s not unique in his stance on that, especially when he has much easier positions to attack that aren’t as easily divided along party lines.