
Mine lived in a condo for the first five years they have them. Now we’re in a house with a yard, but I’m never, ever letting them out. Too many “lost cat” posters on my walk to and from the train, and too many rats scurrying around in the alley.

“The King of Cups expects a picnic, but it’s not his birthday!” Delightful.

There are some awful people. :(

Can you report them? Because that’s horrid.

Eve 6 - “Inside Out”

Get some “Mezzanine”-era Massive Attack on there too.

Same here. I made that joke in a meeting once and it fell totally flat.

I am going to listen to “Fade Into You” right now and possibly all afternoon. Thank you!

Big apartment management companies have so much turnover that they don’t invest the time and money in hiring for the long haul. “Hiring and training practices” is a joke.

I recently finished “Lost” and up to the last season of “Parks and Recreation” (waiting for S7 to hit Netflix). Currently on season 3 of “The X-Files.” I won’t be looking for another show for probably a year or so. I hope there will be something cheerful to binge-watch by then. I have enough anxiety as it is. :)

Nope. So many others have tried. It’s just not gonna happen. TV is really low on my priority list, and I’m burned out on shows about drugs and violence. That sounds kind of prudish, I guess, but I just don’t find it entertaining anymore.

Ugh, totally didn’t intend for my response a minute ago to come out sounding as rude as it did. Sorry.

The pace of someone talking just doesn’t do it for me when I’m exercising. I can totally see how it would make the time pass faster, though.

Spacehog - “In The Meantime”

My boyfriend listens to a lot more podcasts than I do, and he’s the one who got me hooked on “Serial.” I appreciate the format but don’t actually have much patience for it. I prefer music, with the exception of long car trips, when we usually listen to the HowStuffWorks podcasts.

My clients do use Mail Chimp, or my coworkers do think I’m nuts?

Some of our clients use Mail Chimp, and whenever I hear someone mention it I just bust into uncontrollable giggles.

I’d eat fresh fish for every meal if I could afford it. I really would.

I thought that Katy Perry gif was Rose McGowan. Whoops.

Drusilla > Cordelia.