
I like Benefit Boi-ing. I have it in a tiny compact paired with eye brightener.

I chose the curated Birchbox this month and I shouldn't have. Yours is way better.

Yeah, my ex was couch-surfing, so the only place he could have gotten served was at work (it was the only time I knew where he was and when) and I KNOW that would have set him right off. He also was in a bad, dangerous mental state and really DGAF about anything, including himself.

One of my cats doesn’t let me carry her and won’t recognize any other cats’ right to exist.

I know. I’m just trying to work with the police line of reasoning here, as quoted in the story, and it’s not working, because it’s bullshit.

That is exactly why I never bothered filing one when I was in a situation in which family and friends urged me to file one.

Under “normal” circumstances. In this case, the police were already looking for him, and if they’d managed to find them, serving the order would have been the least of their concerns.

She shouldn’t have gotten herself kidnapped in the first place, and then none of this would have happened.

Absolutely. I’m just reacting to the quote from the police lieutenant, who we can reasonably assume has some responsibility for the fact that this guy was free, saying that, oh, too bad the victim didn’t fill out a piece of paperwork like we told her to because *that* somehow would have acted like a magic shield.

An order of protection wouldn’t have prevented him from murdering her.

I have so much respect for the Gamergate women. I used to be involved in the media for another male-centric industry, and sacrificed my privacy to do it, and endured people publishing nasty lies about me... but nothing like this. I can’t believe Brianna, Anita, Leigh, and their allies are still standing up to this.

This is the best comment in this thread.

I drink, but I have no interest in drugs other than marijuana. I use it recreationally, but I also use it to help manage the pain from a condition I’ll have for the rest of my life. Other drugs scare me. I don’t like being out of control, and I’m also very high strung and compulsive and I don’t need anything else to

No need to qualify! I’m sure I also have friends who will drink but not do drugs, it’s just the ones who don’t drink immediately come to mind just because it’s more obvious.

No. I have several friends who have never touched drugs or alcohol, and never will.

Sorry. I hope I didn’t ruin your day.

I think she tries pretty hard, even aside from that whole Harvard thing.

Perhaps because the Kardashians don’t really pretend to be intelligent or profound.

It’s about as profound as a bunch of stoned tourists wandering around Amsterdam.

Some of my favorite scenes of the whole show are when Spike was staying at Giles’ house and they were bantering about blood and Weetabix. Dreamy.