Fennec Besixdouze

… except you're the only ones who ever claimed it was an Irish proverb, you fucking morons. Love how the Twitter you're posting was making fun of the poem as "clunky" until learning what Trump knew when he quoted it: that it was a by a Muslim poet. Trolled again by Trump, losers.

Incredibly boring, pointless episode. F-. This season is really not living up to the source material.

It's just his voice.

"Refreshes the family sitcom"? Yeaaah, because all the recent family sitcoms are so tired and rehashed, right? Like Arrested Development, Modern Family, Transparent … such tired, unoriginal shows, am I right?

Is there any internet journalist who actually does their research? The filmmakers have stated that Tom Hardy himself did both the strapped-to-front-of-car stunt and the pole stunt.

Your comparison is way off. What happened to Lori's remains was by far the most dehumanizing thing they have ever done on the show.

The black population in America is centralized around major cities, which we know were the hardest hit during the outbreak.

… you mean Aiden Gillen??

Or people who are just trying to run away from his car.

I didn't know it was a typo, I couldn't make heads or tails of the sentence. Now that it's corrected so that it makes sense grammatically, it still makes no sense semantically. Hypocrisy has nothing to do with sanity.

He used religious metaphors because those are the metaphors he's been trained to reason with, being clergy and all. A poet might use an analogy from a work of Shakespeare, someone trained in the classics might quote a Greek myth. Religion, especially Christianity, is nothing more and nothing less than a rich language

You keep calling the Alexandria people incompetent, or complaining that they are being portrayed as incompetent.

If you want to know where I'm coming from, you could respectfully read my comment.

"That he believes he can make him certifiably insane"? English is not your first language, I take it?

Irrelevant. We are talking about his sanity. His hypocrisy has absolutely nothing to do with that.

You are clearly letting your own personal morality influence your interpretation of Gabriel's sanity.

How the fuck has Boyz N The Hood not aged well?

"It's hard to shake the impression that this is supposed to be a big deal" I didn't get that impression at all, even remotely. If you got that impression I think it says more about you than about the show.

I'm astonished AMC let them start the half-season with this. Such an incredibly mundane and boring episode, and the most anti-climactic, pointless death of the season. I imagine millions of viewers whose friends kept telling them during the first half of the season how amazing The Walking Dead is getting, and how they

The electronic components on exercise bikes typically run on batteries, which are charged by peddling. They don't run on mains electricity.