Fennec Besixdouze

It's amusing that this is presented as an example of misogyny when really it's the exact opposite. This is more evidence of how disposable men are in our culture. Men are so disposable to us, their deaths can't conceivably motivate anyone to do anything.

Does a bathrobe and PJs count as "civvies"?

If this news is disappointing"to you, or even "news" to you, you didn't understand True Detective at all.

… why just Rorschach and Nite Owl? Doctor Manhattan, Silk Spectre, the Comedian, and Ozymanidas were also copied from the Charlton Comics characters (Captain Atom, Nightshade, Peacemaker and Thunderbolt, respectively).

… umm … what? I thought that was the fucking point … that Rust Cohle wasn't coming up with this stuff himself, but was just reciting from philosophy he had read (Nietzsche, Ligotti, Bierce, etc). If you didn't recognize "time is a flat circle" as a Nietzsche reference, you are fucking retarded and should kill yourself.

Hannibal is a prototypical example of the psychological horror genre.

I thought the irony there was intentional.

Wow, this show seriously sucks.

Was this actually a security flaw? The articles only mention this affecting the parental controls. Parental controls are not intended to be—nor should they be used as—security features.

The main difference between the show and the comic book is that the comic book is A COMIC BOOK. The show is filmed in Kodak super 16mm and the make-up, visual effects, and location shooting are all focused on presenting an incredibly realistic portrayal of the incidents. The comic book, in total contrast, is drawn in

"This episode was designed to make that twist possible, and before Lizzie decided to get pro-active with her zombie agenda, it was mostly just boring."

Who are you? This episode was a complete mess. A thousand plotlines none of which went anywhere held together by a syrupy mess of sentimentality and neither substance nor funny. Endless throwbacks to worn-out material and not in a good AD way.