
"The Nook is shorter than the Kindle, thanks to the lack of keyboard, and has a countoured, matte back which makes it easier to handle."

E-Ink is awesome,

I hope they rendered Fleury's big teeth

If the technology exists, which I'm unsure of, that would be much bulkier and more cumbersome than a replacement hand.

"Not to mention if you can get the refresh rate to even 15fps you can implement interactivity and videos"

I always hear people criticize the Kindle with something like "It's all in black and white! I don't want to read on that!"

"It's definitely an impressive piece of work, that required a lot of audibles, tweaking and patience while building."

It's not 2006 any more. Professional cameras (the kind they use for television) can easily output at 1080p. Any DSLR with a video feature (see: damn near all) have 1080p capabilities.

"clock speed stopped mattering a long time ago."

Yeah, duh. That's kind of the point of the article.

I dig the actual Intel engineers talking about it, instead of some silky smooth talking, perfectly racially ambiguous, appropriately attractive figure head who knows nothing about the product.

Thanks for the ad, Giz. This could've passed as an article if you actually put some explanation in there.

Why does it seem like every 10 years there are Smart Home House of the Future exhibits that never materialize?

I've read this article three times and I still don't get what you're talking about. Maybe it's the smarmy English pretension getting in the way?

Are you honestly implying that playing video games a lot gives you some sort of sage-like insight into the industry? Give me a break.

It's a Nomura design. Crazy animu hair and soft features. There's no creativity here.

Judging by you calling everyone a kid over and over, I can only figure that you're the kid here.

Okay, mom. How's that insecure maturity thing working out for you?

The bigger question is why you'd ever eat a well done steak.

Chained to the grill? If your steak is on the grill for more than eight minutes you're doin' it wrong.