
@Carey.Laius: Each game will have a "full" length campaign (Wings of Liberty has 27 missions if I remember correctly, in addition to a bunch of bonus levels, challenge levels, and whatnot) as well as new online units and improvements. Also, each game is slated to play a bit differently, Heart of the Swarm is going to

@Does Not Equal: Could be that the Kanji for his given name does not exist, just guessing though.

@njd09: Surely can't be any worse than the newest book about teenage angst set in a world where vampires are commonplace. Not just talking about Twilight, either, head into a Barnes and Noble and glance at the Young Adult section.

@70x7brandnew: That was the first time watching a movie that my jaw actually dropped.

@grapenuts_robot: Because while The Prestige was good, compared to Memento and Inception it was an amateur effort. There was a gimmick to the Prestige (the twin spoiler, how the machine workeD) you could spoil those with a sentence and the movie was ruined. Memento or Inception wouldn't spoiled if:

@Ad-hominem: Despite your pretentiousness, I hope you realize that you're trying to make a critical assessment of one-off comics created for the sole purpose of making people laugh. I know you're an incredibly talented cartoonist, but not everyone else shares your incredible talent.

@Philip Barnett: Comcast's limited internet threats are baseless threats. The week I came back from school I downloaded 200 gigs worth of stuff (ironically half of that was actually legitimate steam downloads and the WoW client+the PTR client, each over 14 gigs plus seeding), ended the month of May with a data usage

@Antisniper's Antisniper who Anti-Snipes Snipers: Wait, so there's a game you want to play, but won't play because... you have to go online? Do you honestly even use lan? I'm a college student, and while I'm really upset that LAN won't be included (internet is too shitty to support online gaming, so inter-room games

"We've brought in a lot of new players in the beta testing who've been playing 'World of Warcraft' but have never tried Starcraft," Blizzard president Mike Morhaime tells the Journal.

So they made this huge image and... won't share it with anyone? I understand the problem with sharing 802 gigs worth of image, but I've seen similar full sky panorama sites that can do this. Compress or resize it, don't give a 500px × 256px representation of what it's supposed to look like, sorta.

@jayntampa: Get over it? This is the same site that reports when leaked copies of games are online, with little suggestions that "of course, you could find it on any of the numerous torrent sites online". How people use this knowledge is up to them, but it does have a legitimate use for legitimate consumers.

@OmegaSpartan08: This is a guide for backing up games, and while it's an easy way to pirate freely available roms, it's also a legitimate way of protecting your purchases. It is perfectly legal to back up your purchases, and pretty logical.

@JesusDeSaad: No, that's absurd. Everyone knows that only television checks its facts.

@chronomasakari: Unlikely. When Beta dropped back in February, I followed with vigor every single step of the cracking process on DarkBlizz IRC channels. It was about 2 in the morning when Replays were cracked, but it took over a week later with -everyone- frantically cracking to get a playable launcher out. That was

@deadgirlfriend: I think it's a bit small actually. I downloaded all 14 gigs of Mass Effect 2, and GTA:4 just came in at above 15.

Wait, so article says that the Chicken came first, followed by 100 armchair scientists claiming that through their own logical reasoning, a bunch of scientists who apparently know what they're doing are wrong?

@hutch_a_butch: Eh, who cares as long as one does not limit the other. You'd be hardpressed to find a comic fan who isn't at least a casual gamer, I think.

@Niomo: You're kidding, right? Someone made a mistake, other people saw other people's emails, it wasn't a leak of SSNs or IP addresses. Firing someone for an oversight that, in all, has no ramifications? Makes me think you've never had a job worth keeping.