
Man I hate concept renders like these that don't have any sort of basis in reality. Let's just throw some engines everywhere and make it all chrome! All form, no function, reminds me of an iPad.

@P4KO: I think this one goes without saying, surprised it didn't come up in the results.

@appletoad: That's a nul-argument, then, and you knew it as you typed it.

@Vaegrin: Because there are parallel universes, in order to prevent paradoxes. That's why even if Goku defeats the Androids, my timeline will remain unchanged.

I loved this movie, and still do, but I wonder what the hell their budget for sparks was. Good god, probably half of the movie's budget went into that.

Oh, if only they'd do this for LAN...

@petarro: No? That jitterey look is how some devices look udner long exposures if moved quick enough. Wave your hands around under some sodium vapor lamps.

@Chicken Pawks: No, ugly women will just post in their profiles about how I'M A GIRL (DON'T HIT ON ME, SILLY BOYS), AND DON'T THINK THAT JUST BECAUSE I'M A GIRL THAT I CAN'T PLAY VIDEO GAMES BACK OFF BOYS GURL POWER.

@Scazza: No one's talking philanthropy here, they're talking dedication to their products. If you want to say that Valve is the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation of gaming, be my guess, but stay relevant.

@ircmaster: Ah yes, the literary masterpiece in Team Fortress of Red Guys fighting Blue Guys because of evil Parent Corporation Bent on Global Economy. Protip: World of Warcraft isn't the extent of Blizzard's games, the Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo universes have fully fleshed out and pretty interesting stories.

Dustin Browder, ho-ho-ho-ho

@Scazza: Don't use the word sequel in the same dirty way that other companies peddle it. Blizzard and Bioware make sequels that are always improvements on their previous products, and that's because they take the time to get shit done instead of rushing things for money. The only game from Valve that could be on the

@Squamden: I did, and now that I think about it you're right. I played DAO last year, and Mass Effect 2 this year, so one occupies my mind more than the other. Still, the point based system can still be measured with other characters feelings for you (and the fact that you could cheat it by giving them mass gifts).

@Koztah: The thing is, I don't want MMOs to go back to a level of risk where there's severe punishment. EQ did this fairly well with EXP debt, but I think that could be tuned so that debt decays over time (think rest xp with WoW). FFXI did this horribly, with exp actually being lost, and the potential for leveling

That press release sounds like it was right from Peter Molyneaux's lips.

@RekeHavick: Maybe your character will actually speak this time around. I loved DAO, but then I went to Mass Effect 2 and realized how much I'd missed the fact that my main character could actually talk.

@Rutty14: My god, could he use a shittier camera?

@mr_godot: I asked Robert Khoo about this at PAX, he said that it'd be determined once they got all of the raw pass sale data back on their end.