
@herogear: An old GPU from 2006 seems weak when you approach it from an HD perspective. I run games at 1920x1200, I need my graphics card to be powerful to render that kind of detail. The 3DS' screen is 800x240, you don't need as much to power graphics at that resolution. Nintendo is living within our means, no one

@PatMan33: *Imagines killing himself*

@staySICK: Hatred to sports would be insulting, I think he hit the nail on the head for how a "video game nerd" in the traditional sense really doesn't care about sports. The only sport I care about is Hockey, everything else is just a blur to me, so I could relate to the summary.

I'd be -very- interested in any latency benchmarks through this service, I remember seeing some stats about how even if their encoding took less than ten milliseconds (and converting an HD stream that quickly is ridiculous), latency would still be in the upper one hundred-two hundred because of network lag, in an

@shakezulla86: Wireless gaming mouse? Here's a gun without bullets.

@nutbastard: I can blink each eye independently fifty times a second, but getting that up to sixty is really going to be tough.

Whoo Pittsburgh, once one comes here, the rest will follow. I know Sprint has plans have 4G in Pittsburgh by the end of 2010, the sooner the better for me. I'm stuck on-campus one more year, and this will be my gateway to Starcraft 2.

Nomura's fps would consist of guns shooting zippers, belts, gigantic swords, and dangerous stalks of hair.

@palmerkun: Oh yeah, the US is the only country with murder. How could I forget that statistic.

@Orionsaint: Nothing is hack proof, and this (hopefully) won't be. Microsoft stated that the 360 was hack proof, and modders took this as a challenge to crack the console. I had a friend who flashed his 360 and modded it within three months of it coming out.

@soto: Saying "bottom line" halfway through your tl;dr rant is stupid. Bottom line: no one gives a shit.

@RedRaptor: You... you do know that a USB port can be used to connect hard-drives, right?


@Interstella5555: It's a dummy case so that anyone who sees it would think it's an iPhone 3gs instead of an iPhone 4. Clever, really.

@Augure: Hah, stupid Americans aren't the only ones with violent crimes. How about that fun serial-killing rampage in the UK a few weeks back? Gun control surely prevented that. 0/10 trolling attempt.

@Orionsaint: Just like Tetris! Goddamn communist fallin' blocks rottin' our goddamn children's minds!

@Danza: You're skipping it because of an optional Facebook integration when you add friends?

Quiet before the storm* ?

@PhatsMahoney: You can't cut back on funding! You'll regret this!

@BreakY: Every company releases sales figures, and every company brags about how they're better than the other in one aspect. The Wii has outsold the other consoles, Nintendo never forgets to bring that up. That's the same as saying "Hey, you know those consoles with Modern Warfare 2, GT5 Prologue, Uncharted 1+2,