
@Strife Fox †: God, why is everyone on this site so naive. This is a marketing ploy, maturity has nothing to do with it. It's Microsoft attempting to show their superiority by listing sales. Nintendo does it when they show Wii sales figures, Sony did it when they let loose that the PS2 shipped over one million units

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They should put Cutsman in, that'd be the new Through the Fire and Flames for keyboard.

@ImAmac93: I love looking at those pictures and seeing how many other people are doing the exact same thing in other parts of the shot.

@ImAmac93: I'd assume that goddamn bean is the brightest spot.

@Mit: Eh, who cares. Makes for nice wallpapers, I hate when screenshots are super small.

@MaWeiTao: EA is made of money, they can afford the blend of Siberian Tiger, Humpback Whale, and Lynx that they sent Kotaku. Those Dog Tags are made of Platinum, and that packaging is made of a blend of diamond, rubies, and the shroud of Turin.

@valdesjon finally learned how to change his name: I'd give that one a zing, except that anyone who honestly thinks there's any sort of performance difference between a Canon and a Nikon (model for model) is deluding themselves. I like my D90, but I don't lord my brand over the other popular DSLR brand. It takes

@rudeadly: Yeah, using a feature meant for filming for its intended purpose is horrible for the life of your device. I stopped talking pictures with my D90 years ago when someone mentioned that there's a shutter life, now it's just a holster for my battery and SD card.

@ocionscontor: Maybe Newegg, but Bestbuy would never cut an honest deal.

@JDickson87: Sony has always made a big deal about naming less important things. Emotion Engine, anyone? It was a fucking processor, but damn, Emotion Engine makes that thing sound so incredible. How about the Reality Synthesizer (RSX), the super sexy name for two 7600 GTXs crammed together in one card? The thing is,

I hate pictures that try to show higher display clarity, it never works. That image is trying to convey to me that one thumbnail is 326 dpi and the other is whatever the hell else, but the image itself is a lame little 72 dpi web image. Even if it were a 300 dpi image, my 26" 1920x1200 monitor is a measly 87 dpi (and

I feel like viral is becoming old-hat. It was cool when ilovebees did their thing, I even liked the whole colony thing for the 360, but things like this I feel should just have a splash screen and a countdown timer and leave it at that.

@The Squid: And you're right, I blame the news for telling me that it's THE WORST EVER. Let's not mince words, though, it's not very good either.

@GohanEgret: Mike and Jerry frequently refer to PAX as a big party for their fans and anyone else interested. They walk around the place and will strike up a conversation with anyone, I talked to Mike a bit at PAX East and was just utterly set back at how personable he was. These people always give their fans the time

@Nightshift Nurse: I hate booth babes because they're a ham-fisted attempt to appeal to sex drive, and little else. It's simple marketing, and the fact that it's so transparently dumbed down offends me. Likewise, if I'm going to a con to check out a game or some new hardware, I don't give a FUCK about some girl