
@Hey_Blinkon: You're kidding right? Sony asked the developer that prides itself on pushing the envelope and being controversial if it could make a vague tongue-in-cheek reference to a game they made in a non-official advertising channel in a non-offensive manner?

@ScubaGuy: I will buy a PS3 if this bundle drops. Though, I would almost wish for a 24 fps option for SoTC, just to keep the cinematic feel. It'd still be smooth (hell of a lot smoother than the original, too), but I think super smooth 60 fps would almost detract from how cinematic the game is.

@wirebrain: Greetings! I come from the past, far back in 2007. That "HD games have no color" joke was terrible in my time, I can only imagine how people treat it now. Learn the error of your ways, let the scales fall from your eyes, not every "HD" game is the first Gears of War.

@DanTheMagnum: No, it doesn't. Blizzard quantifies that 11.5 as active subscribers only, they state it every time they announce a milestone.

@staySICK: Respectable? It's unprecedented. Everyone likes to look at WoW and think "Hah, they haven't increased past 11.5 million, they're doomed", but they're sustaining almost 12 million customers for over a year now. That's a lot of scrilla.

@illiniphase4: I'm not religious, I don't freak out if someone mentions religion (or the whole "Under God"/"In God We Trust" debacle), but it seems stupid to identify a turning point in modern history as a birthyear for a figure in one religion. There are plenty of religions out there, instead of being exclusive

@legendnthemaking: The funny thing is that myself and my group of twenty-year-old friends only really play these games at college: Mario Kart 64, Super Smash Bros., and Mario Party. Nothing beats the intensity when you have a really close game in any of those, racing games like Blur can't compare.

@DocSeuss: Problem with that is that it'll split up the market. I don't like the idea of games coming out that are only for Xbox 360+ or something like that. I think Nintendo's doing the best job with incremental increases with the DS, seeing as the original DS came out almost six years ago (an eternity by technology

@Slagathorian: Stand tall and shake the heavens...: Knowing three people with modded 360s and troves of games burned onto DVD-DLs, I'd say piracy is rampant on the 360. The thing is, you have to mod a 360 to pirate games instead of simply cracking a .exe like on a PC.

@Chon: I just want news, really. I never invested in this generation (that's what friends and roomates with the consoles you lack are for), but I'm a fan of new technology. I remember feeling really impressed six years ago when they started showing stuff for the next-gen consoles (Bullshots and pre-rendered footage

All of this talk really has me wondering when the hell there is going to be a next-gen console reveal. The original Xbox came out in 2001, and was mentioned between 1999 and 2000 off-hand a few times. The Xbox 360 was unveiled in May of 2005, and came out that November. That's a four-year time span between console

@Mozz-eyes: You can't say that Fallout 3 didn't look "samey". I went into that game wanting to love it to death, and just became so damn bored with every environment looking charred and grungy. The graphics engine they used didn't help, mostly because it tried to convey absolute realism on an engine that just

@rewolf31: I think underwater is about as reflective an environment as you're going to get. Nothing looked overdone in the video, if anything it was one of the more realistic approaches I've seen in a while.

@8thR, Punburglar: They ran a little short on the news here last winter for what certain players on the Pens wanted for Christmas. Marc-Andre Fleury said he wanted Mario Kart Wii more than anything, if only he'd play with me ):

I'd say Mass Effect 2 is the best sequel I've ever played. It's not just a good game, it improved on everything that pissed me off about the original while also looking better and running faster. It just feels like it's smoothed out all of the rough edges of the original, whereas most sequels are "surprisingly not

What does Chris Kunitz being destroyed have to do with the Canadian Hockey League being included in NHL '11? lolz.

Am I the only one who thinks these look horrible? Hell, they don't even look like the clothing from the game, this drips of a cheap way to cash in.

@Cerabret100: God damn you're touchy. I'd hate to see what you'd say to someone who actually doesn't like WoW. With such blind devotion I'd hope they're the ones paying you, not the other way around. Their alpha looks like shit, I've seen the NDA breaking videos. Cry about it.