
@Cerabret100: That's the thing though. I've seen just about everything from the Alpha so far, and yes it's an alpha, but it seems as though all they're doing is taking old WoW and layering some craters and lava on top. I guess I was expecting everything to be more streamlined and for this to really be like WoW 2.0,

@Cerabret100: Blizzard's worth a substantial amount. They have plenty of coders, animators, modelers, and what seems reasonably to be nearly unlimited resources. This is a basic looking mesh, it looks like a week's work (or less) for someone experienced with modeling. I don't believe that Blizzard couldn't do better

I hate how companies invariably have to segregate their markets with refinements of products halfway through. You should have to buy a console once and be set for the rest of its lifetime. This is like when Nintendo released the expansion pack, but worse.

@NaraVara: Happening often enough? It happened once on a stick of G.skill that I had bought three years before it happened. I bought a new one, put it in, and it worked perfectly.

@KillerBeeTX: It's not hard to cube map reflections, every racing sim has done it in the past few years. If this were real-time ray tracing, it'd be really cool (but still unnecessary and an enormous resource hog).

@Cerabret100: This is also a game that's out eight years after Warcraft III, and six years after the original World of Warcraft came out. There's a low and high poly option for WoW, they should do more with the high poly option for people who aren't running a laptop from 2002 with an integrated gpu.

@Veit: Word. I'd put that at about a 2004 level (which, incidentally, is when WoW came out).

@NaraVara: Been swapping between G.skill and Kingston, it's not shit ram. Shit happens, product defects, etc. Wouldn't expect a Mac user to know much about parts.

@BronzeSoldier: It's on one game right now, the sky ain't falling.

@Sleet: Total furry fanservice, god dammit Blizzard.

@anduin1: The activation code is five bucks. The only way this will "hurt gamers" is by charging them an extra $5 for a service that, quite frankly, seems justified. Hell, I wish more games did this, then I'd just pirate them and happily pay $5 for the ability to use them online.

@Jouen: Yeah, but Nylund is a story bible writer. He did a lot of work on the Gears story bible, and undoubtedly a lot on Halo's. He's changing his own work, I think that's more acceptable. Then again, this is the breakdown: Halo: The Fall of Reach, based off of Halo: Reach, which is based off of the original Halo:


@Nihilexistentialist: Honestly. And despite the clamoring of Apple fans, I've never had one of my PCs bluescreen for something that wasn't a hardware issue, the same kind of hardware that can go into a Mac. I don't think Apple has coded a way for their operating systems to get past a ram stick blowing out and

@gordeaux789: Why, because he illegally downloaded code? I'm sure no one here has ever downloaded something illegally. What a hypocrite.

As a former Target employee who worked in electronics primarily, I always wondered why the hell was the glass even there. All of the expensive DVDs were out in the open, and everything in the store was security locked. There were over 90 cameras in that store, and most days there was a plain-clothes security guard

@Azquelt: The thing is, I don't really play shit games. I'll check them out, and odds are the crappy ports are just that. The games on my shelf that I have purchased are: WoW (+TBC+WoLK), Unreal Tournament III, CoD 4: Modern Warfare, Starcraft (BW), Diablo 2 (LoD), Warcraft III (TFT), Starcraft 2 (preordered),

This seems very overpriced for what you get. I went to PAX this year, three solid days of concerts, panels, exhibitor rooms, and tournaments for $50. And yes, there was free swag too, so I don't buy Blizzard tying that into the $150/2 day price. These tickets are going to sell out anyway, these things will pay for