
Man, this article could have been really interesting if you had spent more than ten minutes grabbing a few screenshots and writing a paragraph for each. You definitely could have delved more into how each offered space as an interactive environment, how each covered space travel, etc.

@Gyaruson 2.0: Not to mention that Guild Wars has a lot of dead space in-between the actual zones. I'd say the zones themselves take up less than a third of the actual map size.

Make compelling online play, and I'll buy your games. I'll download Dead Space because I don't have $60 for a ten hour game I'm mildly interested in. I wouldn't be buying the game otherwise, so there's no loss on their end. A game I really want, I'll buy. That's why I preordered the collector's edition of Starcraft 2

@CarbonFalcon: Before I suspended my WoW account (I play in waves, when cross-server instancing came along I played hardcore for a month, then canceled after I did everything), I did a run-through of all of the old WoW zones. Truth be told, I'm going to be pretty bummed to see Cataclysm destroy most of it. Just going

@Vecha: Eh. It's not as if it's a food burning contest. They're eating it quickly, but it's still being consumed and they're still getting full. I'm all against food competitions, don't get me wrong, but that's because gluttony stinks. If I ate my dinner super fast, it'd not be wasted (other than my enjoyment of it).

@Wizard: Why does name matter, really? Someone who I let friend me knows that my real name is Zach. Sound the alarms.

@CarbonFalcon: I love WoW to death, but stuff like that always got me. Why was some stuff left permanently unfinished? WoW's easier to patch crap into than SC2 or WC3, where you have to learn about it ofsetting balance. I have a hard time believing that WoW's dev team was too caught up or small to patch in a level 60

Dammit Blizz, put in the option for an unlimited draw distance (or at least something ridiculous). I've got a rig than can run this fine. Your graphics engine is beautiful, but it sucks to see everything turn blue or green or grey or whatever the skybox default is when you get too far away.

@Heliophage: You can't really buy SD cards larger than 2GB nowadays. Just checked Bestbuy and Newegg, smallest they offer is 2.

Wait, plain white box? How do these promotional things work, does Nintendo/Bungie/Whoever drive up to your house and leave nondescript white boxes on your doorstep full of wonderful goodies? Sounds cool ):

@nowdevidebyzero: The thing is, the whole cockpit flying thing doesn't really work for EVE. Space is so large in the game that if you were able to have real time control of your ships it really won't matter. You can still maneuver them in any way that you please, but if someone's 400 km away from me and I'm chasing

@Manly_McBeeferton: The art style works really well. The difference between Wrath of the Lich King's graphics and that of the original WoW release are ridiculous. It doesn't look hyper real because that's no the Warcraft graphical style, but to say it doesn't look good is ridiculous. Graphics whore here too, fly

@DePalo: It's a completely new engine. They've been saying since they released the initial trailer that they wouldn't be reusing the Halo 3 engine. All of the models in the game are much higher polygon, something the old engine wouldn't allow for. In addition to this, there's a further draw distance, much better

@Scantraxx: The fact that it was all one big zone was so ridiculous to me when I was 13 and completely new to online games. I remember finding new towns just by using the crappy map in the back of the booklet (when I got to Qeynos from Tethelin at level 15 or so just by following the rough outline of the rivers I felt

@Scantraxx: God, what a game. Awful at times, but as my first MMO I'll always love it. PPO here, representin'.

@ChewyChew: Oh fuck off on your high horse. Think about it like this: there are no distribution costs. If I bought the game for $0.01, and had absolutely no intention of buying it previously, the company wins. If they didn't want people paying the minimum of one cent, they wouldn't offer that as a minimum. How about

@DeSpawn: Nope. It only has beta units and Tilesets.

Funny how much of this is just battery. I remember being disappointed the first time I opened my computer case as a teenager (barely one, at that), and expecting to see some serious technology at work. I'm talking like stacked motherboards inside of a server room with lightning arcing between parts and glowing LEDs

@PuppetDoctor: That's been going on since about the third episode. Don't forget the token "Here's a new Pokemon that will prove absolutely essential to saving the day in this episode" story elements.

@VincentGrey: They're not philosophically deep, but they're good. The Halo universe has a developed background and universe, much more than the run of the mill Gears of War, Killzone, and similar FPS giants.