
@Archaotic: We should definitely wait three years for all of the games to be out, just so that we can save about $20. Some people will bitch about anything.

@NaeemTHM: Monitoring your kids on the internet has a limit, kids are sneaky bastards. I'm not saying it's anyone's fault (well, except the kid's), but you can't brush this off with "Well, if only the parents were watching the 12-year old 24/7, this never would've happened."

@SirBrau: I pirate the shit out of games and movies. However, I'm not stupid enough to contact the rights holders with my IP address while I'm doing it. The kid deserves a minimum sentence for being an idiot by alerting them to his intentions, but especially for running from the law like a moron.

@chrollo0427: Capture tools: A $43.99 graphics card with an input.

@battlescarSS: Dominion III: You know what it is about her fans that really burns me? The fact that every person has to remark "Wow! She's -so- weird! Did you see what she was wearing at the VMAs? She's really weird!". That's her entire fucking bag, being weird is her hook, and every time someone says SHE'S SO WEIRD

Why is GU Comics the most bro comic out there? It seems like every panel has "Dude", "Bro", or "Douche" in it (or something along that vein) Case in point attached.

@Span_Wolf: Voice actors probably haven't finished everything yet, when this happens Bungie (And other studios, surely) either have their own people do placeholder lines (Frankie used to do a lot of the Marine and Elite dialogue), or they just synth it.

@Hardcore: No, I'm sure the developers at Infinity Ward had an executive meeting high atop Mt. CoD. There, they did a pros-cons approach to using the appropriate language, compared to simply using Arabic. After days of constant deliberation they decided to save the $15 that would've been spent on using Urdu instead of

@phisheep: Oh, zing-POW, you sure slipped in that dig against America with expert subterfuge. What's next, a redneck comment?

@wtf_G: I play Mario Kart 64, Mario Party 1&2, Pod Racer, and Mario 64 all of the time. The first four I play with my roomate and my neighbors almost daily (Mario Kart is played daily, for about an hour a day at least).

Should've definitely posted Friday's Penny Arcade, I really felt the Assassin's Creed one was one of their weaker ones.

@gstut: Bungie's said in the past that they never mocap, during the first podcast when they're doing an open call for a keyframe animator.

I've got a sinking feeling that the final product won't represent this art, but dear god I've never wanted to be more wrong in my life.