
Southern guy with roots dating back there to the 1700's and with ancestors who fought for the confederacy. Time for the fucking flag to go. Nobody in my family flew it or displayed it. Growing up it was always the most racist pieces of shit who had those things. The people displaying them now have absolutely zero clue

Neutral: One thing I’ve not heard discussed is how the actual quick charging infrastructure is going to work.

To be fair....its much more attractive than the Model 3.

Thieves use scooters to commit crimes.

I’m actually okay with this too. Last time I went to London was 5 years ago. On my recent academic trip my group was warned of the rise of scooter-based phone thefts.. which they did do to one of my cohort who was hearing impaired. They get what they deserve on this, and I bet if I asked my officer friend in London

They have races in the US... Don't see you crying about it..

When you google “race definition”, you get this:

Not easy, but definitely easier than race against Le Mans and opponents right?

Or maybe a bunch of us think Alonso isn’t nearly as great as he thinks he is. The 2007 season where he behaved like a little child when his rookie teammate was faster than he was completely changed my opinion of him. I loved him with Minardi and Renault, but it’s all been downhill since he jumped ship (the first

“The street racing scene will continue as people like you continue to write articles which both apologize for and glorify the street racing scene.”

In my opinion the driver, Tesla, NHTSA, & DMV are at fault. The driver did not exercise sound judgment in operating the vehicle. Tesla has a products liability issue in that they coined the features as “Autopilot,” leading the lay person to believe the car can reasonably operate itself, there are memos showing the

Worse are the idiots who can’t hold speed at all. I’m cruising along on cruise control at 75mph. Pass idiot, suddenly idiot speeds up to stay right on my quarter, or zooms past me, only to slow down so I pass them, over and over. I’m going exactly the same speed. So aggravating.

Bear with me here for a second. I know this may be a tough sell, but MAYBE this form of electrical car racing really sucks to watch.

I’m glad they’re doing away with Celebrity Brain Crash and The American. They both got extremely old and repetitive after the first two episodes and to be honest I never liked Star In A Reasonably Priced Car either. I almost always skipped it because it felt like a filler to make the show longer.

now let her walk down the street, with said watch, i might be interested

The short story is; Project Director Richard Noble and fighter pilot Andy Green got this car to 763 MPH in 1997.

But it’s still a golf....

I take issue with the assertion that anti-Irish discrimination is a big issue in the UK. It simply isn’t. You can dig up editorials that will make just about any claim about any thing on the internet, so do you have any other source or experience for your claim?