Part of the issue is the binary thinking of “good guys” and “bad guys.” It’s possible for Dan Harmon (and Whedon, and even CK) to both have done a truly shitty thing *and* be generally a good person who cares about other people.
Part of the issue is the binary thinking of “good guys” and “bad guys.” It’s possible for Dan Harmon (and Whedon, and even CK) to both have done a truly shitty thing *and* be generally a good person who cares about other people.
It really is easier than ever to turn being kind of a shitty person into a paying profession.
This show was fantastic. Jessica Barden should be a star after this. Everybody was great, especially the two detectives and Barry Ward as Leslie stealing every scene he was in. I even grew to like Lawther by the end which wasn’t easy seeing as how I hate Shut Up And Dance. The end works as both a series and season…
There’s no “supposed” about it. I was fired from Google for merely corralling off all of my co-workers who I viewed as genetically inferior to the basement of my building and locking them in. Can’t discriminate against my political beliefs, yo!
“Hello, Inventorof? It’s your cousin Martin, Martin Karate! I think I’ve found the moves you’re looking for! Look at this!”
Dead Set the BBC zombie apocalypse meets Big Brother was fairly short and basically a movie in a few parts. Riz Ahmed was in it and fairly fun if you like that sort of thing.
Binged this on Sunday after Magfest. Really enjoyed it for the most part. But I want to talk about their use of internal monologue and voice over. Normally I HATE voice over in fictional movies and tv shows (e.g., Attack on Titan). Often it’s just a lazy shortcut to get across backstory or externalizing the internal…
Not only is this story *nothing* like the two you reference, but in the universe where it takes place, “re-sleeving” consciousness into other bodies is just everyday technology, not something strange and revolutionary that ends up as the whole focus of the story.
Seems like a really weird choice having the old man…
You do know that Altered Carbon is based on a 2002 book, right? It existed long before either of those movies. And the themes of living forever for the right price and swapping bodies have been in sci-fi even longer.
I really, really hope this turns out to be good, because the Takeshi Kovacs trilogy are some of my very favorite books and they deserve an adaptation that’s at least as good as stuff like The Expanse has been.
Alex is good at intimidating Winn, making bottles of whisky magically disappear, and rad blind leaps off of buildings, confident in the knowledge that Kara will catch her.
Aw, I really liked this episode. I enjoyed seeing the two of them as teenagers, and how bratty each of them was, and especially how much they disliked each other. I appreciated how valid and understandable each of their perspectives were in that dislike.
I feel like I say this a lot, but I just really appreciate how…
It sounds like the start of a Rodney Dangerfield routine that ends with Rodney firing the guy because the agent could only find him solo work.
I would humbly suggest that there is value in boys (and girls) to be disabused of the notion that some things are for boys only. And to whatever extent a silly show about a time traveler can get kids to think outside traditional gender roles that’s also good.
Why does a role model for boys have to be a man?
I’m one of the assholes who is sad to be losing the Doctor as a male role model. Yeah, I get it that there are 50 years worth of episodes featuring a male character to watch, and I am always happy to see that young girls get more heroes. But I freely admit that this feels different due to personal and emotional…
Point conceded. I preferred Romana I, but Teegan was a comely woman
No. The mistake is assuming there is a code. Trump is not playing chess. He’s playing candyland. He doesn’t make promises he can’t keep as part of a strategy, he makes promises because he likes it when people like him. And he doens’t follow through because he’s stupid, cheap and an asshole.
Calumny! That was a clerical error; the only rolled corn snack that ever put me in the poor house was Dynamitas.
“despite having a launch that clearly was not ready!”