
Let’s see if I’m still in the greys, or if I’m legit finally.

I’m thinking I can live with this.

Thanks for your work to make this better. The site is still annoying. Garbage sponsored posts take up space while excellent features (A Very Special Episode, Together Again, etc.) are pushed off the home page, to say nothing of reviews getting the boot. There is a big old thread above of people talking about how they

I mean, did you honestly expect a different reaction? This wasn’t a standard redesign where people just got annoyed with change. The redesign cut a ton of features and launched with a clearly beta product. All the fixes mentioned above were super obvious and could have been done if the powers that be signed off on a

More likely they fired the person protesting most loudly against the changes.

So, I’m completely disheartened about the decline of the commentary on this site. Especially after the dearth of participants last night. No amount of Kinda updating will fix the AV Club.  

Many thanks. It’s a nice improvement. Like letting me put up a Rita Heyworth poster to decorate my cell.

Nested. Comments.

Yeah, so it’s like not only is the website now completely unusable, it’s become a fucking hive of trollery. It’s really, really sad to see the downfall of the A.V. Club. I was in denial for a long time about the worst of the Kinjapocalypse, but it’s like everything everyone said is coming true.

Kinja has proven to be even worse then expected since it moves the comments with the most replies to the top. This creates a page with a vile troll like comment at the top because enough people replied to tell them they were vile. I don’t know what the solution is, maybe just try to reply as much as possible to other

Nah, I think there’s something perfect about the fact that the jammy bastard got away with it.

Two years later and I still can’t believe he’s gone. The fact that the author who basically singlehandedly shaped my way of thinking as a teenager and, partially, as a grown-up was still alive and active somehow was incredibly comforting. His death left some part of me hollow.

That’s why my theory was always that Arya was assuming LF was listening in on the confrontation with Sansa, and dropped that line about the pretty dresses hoping that LF would take it literally but that her sister would pick up on the subtext.

Ugh. Them doing stuff like Crisis and Flashpoint is exactly what’s wrong with the DCEU (and with the X-Men series, where they’re now doing Dark Phoenix for the second time in five films). They want to play with all the shiniest and most famous storylines, but without context they’re meaningless. Unless they’re taking

Absolutely. Life of Brian is an actual film; Grail (and The Meaning of Life) are sketches based around a connecting theme. Brilliant, but not as coherent as Life of Brian. I also think there’s enough American discomfort with the theme of Brian to drag its score down, whereas in the UK (despite the odd ban on its

Perhaps our British commentariat can weigh in, but I always got the impression that Life of Brian was far more popular in the UK than it was in the US. Here in the States, it seems like Holy Grail is brought up all the time and Brian is seldom discussed. (I think it was smart of Eric Idle to pick Holy Grail as the

The final scene is not just hilarious, I find it moving and a bit profound. What better encapsulates our existence:

The same claim can be made for Life of Brian vs. Holy Grail.

I f*cking hate the front page. It looks like they just threw up some articles in a random fashion rather than the organised layout from before. I’m...trying to give it time.

Hey, that’s a new one!

Thanks, Kinja!