
These are such small visual tweaks, who really gives a shit? It's like bitching about the stupid "1" on the calendar for YEARS because it was one unnoticeable pixel off. If that's your biggest gripe in life, maybe its time to reexamine it.

I find the question impertinent. Why should it be anyone's business but my own what the largest video file is on my computer? Who are you to judge what type of pornography I watch?

Whoever does this is gonna be my hero.

All 3d sucks. I hate having to put glasses over my glasses. I hate being charged extra for crap I don't want. I hate having to try and schedule around 3d movies on a movie day (I go to the theater to see more than 1 movie at a time).

Ever notice that when you watch a 3D movie, even a natively-shot one, after about 5 minutes you forget about the effect and are no longer impressed with it?