
She can do whatever she wants with her emails now.

wut? It’s not like the father died of AIDS.

I don’t know you, but am proud of you too

Fed sucks

you don’t have the guts

you don’t wanna know

You fucked up when you believed public apologies about anything actually meant something

self control? you remember the AIDS crisis, right?

Here’s where being taller matters.

Well, that really didn’t work out for us.

Looks like you should move out of the country pronto

A black man wearing a Cardinals cap! Oh my dear lord!

She’s got an ass like a ten year old boy.

Clearly, he has not learned to cycle the right way.

I like this one

200 fucking years in this country and still can’t spell.

An asian cheating? What else is new.


Oh really? Have you seen what some of these women look like?

Probably be more happy though.