
There are no biological markers, aside from this: years of taking female hormones will change the structures of some parts of the brain. That’s literally it. No one even knows what changes to those structures *mean.*


Exactly. But the Left accepts brainsex and rejects brainrace.

Why? Do you not think female people are oppressed?

Do you honestly think male people don’t benefit from thousands of years of privilege? Honestly?

Jenner won a gold medal in a sport where no female people are allowed.

A person can enjoy things that are typically *associated* with the opposite sex, and still not *be* the opposite sex.

This would be a valid point if not for the fact that so many men do view women as privileged - in fact, transgender identity politics tell us we have to label ourselves “cis” in order to mark out our *female privilege*.

Why couldn’t Jenner pose coyly on the cover of a magazine wearing overpriced lingerie, as a man?

I wonder how many women lived and died, trapped inside the wrong gender, since the feminine gender is all about being subjugated. I’m guessing it’s in the millions.

How does anything you are saying not apply to say, Bruce Jenner?

why can’t transwomen identify with women instead of as women?

They haven’t.

what opportunities in life do you think jenner was denied, aside from wearing lipstick and high heels in public?

What? How is a child transgender when there are no gender roles? Do you people even think?

Are you crazy? The new line is that transwomen have always been women. Jenner? Always a woman. Mock & Cox? Always women.

If you think trans = body dysmorphia, you are behind the times. Trans now means “I like my penis fine, but I have a human right to force lesbians to call it lady penis and engage with me sexually”

How does this square with the narrative (which Jezebel accepts & promotes) that little boys who want to play with dolls are really little girls inside?

are you saying “a man’s idea of femininity” does not equal actual female lived experience? huh. #transphobia