
Jenner is a rich white male...

Has anyone asked this poet how he identifies? If he identifies as Asian, then he is and has always been Asian, right?

Who are you to question someone’s internal feelings about themselves? If someone identifies as military, then they are military, period. BIGOT.

Careful, acknowledging human sexual dimorphism actually kills transwomen, you know. /s

Women do very often experience very painful tearing during childbirth. I’m not sure why Jezebel thinks that is something to make fun of?

Here’s a reason sex might hurt: Men are trained from porn, starting at a very early age, that sex means “pounding” a woman, impaling/splitting her in half/showing her who’s boss etc etc. Sex might hurt because *men are making it hurt and expecting women to like it because that’s what women are for: to be punished by

Yet we’re all supposed to lie and say that feminine men are really women b/c brain sex and Jezebel has no problem with that.

There are probably women in MLB already, how could you know unless you asked all the players how they identify?

They don’t know that this kid is going to be male and they won’t know until the kid tells them how ze identifies. I wish Jezebel wouldn’t be so transphobic.

1) Maybe Hasbro asked the raptors how they identify. You don’t know if they are really female or male until you ask. Genitals don’t determine sex, you know. It’s much more complicated than that. Learn your science. 2) Don’t make fun of pronouns/misgendering, that shit kills.