
This is a white man.

“woman” is the word in English for adult female humans. it describes sex, species and age.

That’s true, only white women know how babies are made. /s

So the right wing wants to purge everyone who knows climate change is real and the left wing wants to purge everyone who knows how babies are made. Seems to me science is taking a beating from both sides.

True - calling lesbians bigots for not liking penis and calling for the sterilization of gender non-conforming children is the height of progressivism, after all.

1) Rachel Dolezal did persist in adulthood. 2) Male children who are told their personalities are unacceptable in male bodies and female children who are told their personalities are unacceptable in female bodies want exactly what those black children want - to be treated like the development of their human

“I can’t entertain any ideas that aren’t spoonfed me by the malestream media” OK. Like most Jezebel readers then.

Wanting to be female and claiming to be female are also different. So because black children aren’t so entitled by their socialization as to frame their desire to be white as actually being white, and male people *are* entitled enough by their socialization to frame their desire to be female as actually being female,

1) we are absolutely experimenting on children

because reasons! now obey the rules, uppity woman!

define “black” “white” “male” “female” and then explain again how dolezal is any different from jenner.

You realize this article ties “woman” to “female reproductive system” and thereby 1) *reduces* women to grody vajajays 2) *erases* intersex people from existence and 3) actually *murders* transwomen, right? Blood on your hands, Jezebel. Blood on your hands.

So you have no idea, you just accept it and expect others too as well. How very intellectually lazy of you.

“How science works” Let me take a run at this. You form a hypothesis - which would include defining terms. So for instance: Male brains and female brains are different. By which you mean, brains in bodies that manufacture sperm are different from brains in bodies that manufacture ova. And if you found that in fact

Are you listening to yourself? How is it ladybrain if it occurs in lots of male people?