
I think the Japanese win when it comes to ethics... Daymed. Over there, for a CEO to take a huge salary when the company is stumbling is inconcievable. They'll take $1 for the year if they didn't think they did a good job! Compare with The. Fucking. Bankers. Who ran the economy in the ground, worldwide!, how they more

Bla bla bla. Then how does McDonalds manage – and deem it worthwhile – to operate in countries with much higher wages, like in northern Europe? And use better ingredients in their food at that? (McDonalds is way, way better in Scandinavia, whereas to my taste, it's basically inedible here, I never ever go.)

If a $15 minimum wage pays for itself in turn over, wouldn't companies adopt it on that grounds alone?

Much like companies that have ethics when it comes to other areas of running their business. E.g. Chipotle, which currently is having a shortage on pork... because they can't find enough suppliers who treat their pigs humanely. [I am NOT likening women to pork!!! I am merely discussing honorable principles of any

Because the fathers aren't parents. Ain't it great? None of this affects them. Their career doesn't stall, them having children never even figures into their hiring, and often – often – the well-educated new mothers with great jobs will choose to stay home fore an extended time because it doesn't make sense paying for

The answer is social democracy! Scandinavian style.

I had a bunch of childhood diseases too: chicken pox, mumps, whooping cough, rubella. They probably at least contributed to me being a scrawny, sickly kid who also got colds, croup and stomach bugs all the time.

Is she wearing a bikini?

Oh, those Christians.

Maybe he doesn't want it closed. Closing it makes the bathroom feel smaller.

It fucking blows when you look at the female artists of the 90's – Björk, P J Harvey... – and the sad state of affairs today, who the female "artists" are who top the charts: Katy Perry, Minaj, [I can't be bothered to think of names, but more of the same]. And yes, Rihanna and Beyoncé too (she works hard; a genius she

You know you have eaten. What a food review.

And how many people are going to watch a documentary about the women of Cambodia? How much would people be talking about it? Blogging about it? [A very small number; very little; and even less.]

They have been brain washed since birth.

That being said, holy crap, it doesn't really put him off the hook for the fact that his subordinates appear to be monsters.

This is why Europeans think Americans are crazy.

If I prayed, I'd pray for the whole family, including her. I understand if you can't garner sympathy for her, but she's going to have to live with this for the rest of her life.

And a baseball bat.

The most beautiful man in the history of beautiful men. And super nice to boot!

10 lbs in a week here! Also a stomach thing...