Feminist Kittenjoy [is back after a long hiatus]

Hey there! I wanted to just chime in with the rest of the advice here. I just relocated as well and am in this process now. I was lucky in that I have about 3 good friends that live in my new town who I have known for a while, BUT! The cool thing with them is that they are all my friends from different times of my

A book club, maybe?

I’ve been going to meetup.com groups. It takes a while to make friends, but at least it’s an instant group to socialize with, whether it’s board games, hiking, going out or whatever. I absolutely recommend it. I’ve found that every group I’ve tried has been welcoming. Sometimes I have to psyche myself up a bit to get

I’m close to your age and find Meetup really helpful. I live in an area with a lot of transplants and lots of moving around within the area. So every few years I realize I need to add friends / diversify into more groups. Just joined another small meetup last week, crossing my fingers. As a introvert I really have

Thank you, this is my favourite response so far. I guess we need each other in different ways right now and should find a way to meet in the middle. He’s a great guy in general, and I love him very much.

Used to be along time ago, but feel free to ask me questions if you want (I mostly dabbled too).

It does take a couple of years to get over homesickness! The big thing is to make yourself get out there and do stuff. Have you tried anything like Meetup.com ?

This is a really, really good point: that intimacy withers without tending.

I’m a shy extrovert - which means I’m someone who gets refueled by talking with and spending time with other people, BUT....I’m shy. So I can feel nervous and anxiety-ridden when it comes to talking to a whole bunch of new people (like, say, at a party where I know no one. Weirdly, I could talk to a stranger at a

How do you feel about board games? Particularly the nerdy ones? There’s a nearby game store it almost surely has tables for people to play things, and often people will accept another person if the game allows it.

I think that the thing about introverts is that we are cautious to an extreme in social situations about showing who we are. We are afraid to like what we like and to feel what we feel around people who might judge us for it, becaude we have known plenty of situations that have ended that way.

Local clubs, volunteer groups and like like. I’m in league of women voters and some other things. As an introvert, I have to force human contact too, but I figure if I can get in serving others and human contact in one fell swoop, I can’t complain.

I would suggest going into a line of work were you serve the public. After a few months you’ll find you’re missing people less and less. The last thing you’ll ever want to do is be around people. :)

It’s so difficult when you get older and relocate! Think about what you like and what you like to do. Volunteer with anything from a local theater group or museum if you like the arts to the animal shelter if you’re a pet lover to the local domestic violence shelter. Volunteering helps you feel productive and make

Could everyone on this thread just get together?! I feel it. Moved from NYC to Toronto 2 years ago, and while I love Toronto, I have zero actual (as in not acquaintances from my daughter’s preschool) friends. The friends I left behind have advanced in their careers/ lives, and I’m kinda cruising along.  

God, when they won’t communicate (or even acknowledge there’s a problem)...so frustrating.

Do you like dogs? Since I adopted my dog 4 years ago, I have made several friends in the neighborhood just from walking my dog around. Dog owners tend be sociable and talkative with each other.

I think the best way is getting out to do things you enjoy. I’m an actor so most of my friends are from theater. But I’ve also made friends playing Pokémon go, so you have lots of options.

The best thing that you could try out is volunteering. It’s a great way to meet people, be active and you can form natural friendships outside of work and find common interests(if able too). Plus it’s helpful and can be pretty fun. And, from a purely selfish point of view, it’s easy to stop at any point if that

I’m right there with you except I’ve been here 8.5 years. Sometimes I just feel like I’m a failure. Wanting to be around people but at the same time isolating myself.