Feminist Kittenjoy [is back after a long hiatus]

Hi all, I’ve been trying to come back here to comment more although it seems to go in waves (when you’ve been grey for years it is sometimes hard to keep posting, although I know that posting is of course what will change that). What is everyone else making this weekend? I’ve been on a soap making kick lately; this

You guys, I just got my hair professionally colored for the first time in more than a year and this is so shallow but now I feel invincible. What is your self-indulgent beauty thing that makes you feel like a superhero fairy queen? I want to do all of them.

Ya’ll, I had to get a root canal today, which sucked all kinds of ass and was exhausting. I also hadn’t eaten much (because I couldn’t chew) beforehand and so was starving and got hangry by the end. Anyone else had sort of a sucky day?

Pet thread? I need cute fuzzies and scalies!

Better prepared than most people.

I was at the San Diego Zoo and yelled at a guy who was standing in front of a Do Not Feed sign, throwing bubble gum to a gorilla.

As someone who’s worked for Hallmark in some capacity since I was 21, first on the crew and then as a writer, it’s so strange to see people just catching on to how wildly popular it is. No matter how many things I add to my resume, it’s Hallmark that makes people’s eyes light up. They’re a great company on a number of

Re the Hearties: I find it strangely life-affirming when I find out there are groups of rabid fans for something I didn’t know existed and have no interest in.

The good witch is my huge guilty pleasure! My sister is like “why?” And I’m like “IT IS LIKE GILMORE GIRLS BUT WITH WITCHES!”

I told off an 8-year-old and his mom at Monterey Bay Aquarium— the little crotchfruit was standing underneath a sign saying “please do not knock on the glass”, knocking on the glass. I ask you.

I witnessed this type of fuckery first hand at Pompeii where an idiot in my tour group took a seat on an ancient ruin - which promptly buckled under his weight.

We teach our children “museum hands”, which is nothing more than “hands behind your back when you’re in a museum”. Shame more adults don’t do this. See also, “Look with your eyes, not with your hands.”

I remember telling off an 8 year old and his mom when her son threw a stick into Mammoth Falls at Yellowstone when they tell you not to throw anything into the water. The mom didn’t really care, ergo the kid didn’t care.

Not just museum pieces - this includes national, natural monuments. Vanessa Hudgens, I am looking at you.

Fellow Black woman here: Good for you avoiding that Darth Fucking Susan. I get so sick of white women who ask me to hold their hand and absolve their bigotry because they want to feel like good people. Like, maybe you could try being a good person, Brenda? Have you thought about that?

Little things, but they make life bearable.

I’m a man, living with a girlfriend for the first time in my life. She’s a wonderful person and partner and it’s mostly great, but there has been a big challenge:

I was going to say this, too.

And the moment you call them out in their bullshit they up the ante and turn into even shittier people to make you feel worse for standing up for yourself.

What do you know? Turns out electing progressive, intelligent women to high levels of government is good for women and families. Thanks for today’s only good news!