
I highly recommend getting fitted at Nordstrom! The ladies there really know their stuff and will steer you towards what works best for your body. For me, that means Natori, Wacoal, and Calvin Klein. Then once I know what works for me, I go and find those brands and styles on sale at Nordstrom Rack, etc.

Except that the point was to reward current subscribers and to make money from an exclusive Sprint partnership.

Actually, it was Sprint customers or Tidal subscribers who were subscribed prior to the release. Your friend will soon have access to the album.

It was actually easier to stomach and significantly more terrifying than expected. Five seconds into a show like O’Reilly and I would be rage stroking but Ivanka was frighteningly palatable (if you ignore facts, obviously).

I actually watched the segment all the way through (gag) and was surprised by the extent to which you are totally right. She is clearly supposed to come off as reassuring and knowledgable but not actually smart. She spent the entire time reporting on the administration and her father. My favorite part was when they

If you want to spend an insane amount for a really great product, try this. For a more budget-friendly option (or just a different type of exfoliant because this one has a much larger grain), I love this. It’s wonderful on its own but I also love to mix it with this for a creamier texture. Chemical exfoliants are also

So much love and good vibes to you and your family! Once I have a place of my own, I am looking forward to fostering.

I highly recommend vitamin E oil, vitamin C serums, any Korean product that says it is “whitening” (aka it evens skintone), and moisturizers/primers/concealers with a green undertone to go under makeup when you wear it.

So I just read this and I think everyone should. It’s a very quick and surprisingly fun read that answers the questions you asked and a lot more: http://amzn.to/2pi4LJ1

1. I did not say that she equalled Michael Jackson. I said that the difference between her and the other named singers is that she is a true performer: she can dance and sing and design a great show plus she has the work ethic to make it all come together and spend a ton of her time touring and putting on shows.

Toxic masculinity is a problem all over the world. Not just in “black” Chicago. Speaking of which, black high school students at Kenwood just held a forum on toxic masculinity to do something about it while you spent your time throwing a racist hissy fit about their pants online.

Please what?

Definitely not. She was huge before social media and she has almost zero presence there herself. Like Michael Jackson, she is an incredibly skilled performer. That sets her apart. As does her work ethic.

Which is why there are literally thousands of scholarships for all different types of things.

Neither was she.

Wow, expecting her to “change the face of college financial aid for the general populace” is a pretty fucking high bar.

I think the fact that he stole an image of a black woman from another black woman to make a piece that he intended to be uplifting to black girls at the school across the street is relevant and does not imply he is white.


Before—sunblock should go on last (before makeup though).