
I’m so sick of hearing about the “coastal elites” and how out-of-touch we are with middle America.

I also wear a black neglige when I go on shows to talk politics.

Very interesting, thank you for the explanation. It still seems crazy to me that there isn’t guaranteed privacy between a person and their physician. Keep the government the fuck out of it.

The legal precedent set in Roe v. Wade wasn’t actually about abortion, it was about the right to privacy between a patient and their physician. I can’t even wrap my head around us undoing that in 2016, but, then again, stranger things have happened.

It’s true, but at least they have universal healthcare. Man, I’m going to miss my health insurance.

I will never understand the NEED to convert people, either to their religion or to “becoming straight”.

She should start with her husband.

And the dumbasses will STILL blame black people and immigrants for their woes. It’s sick.

I feel you here, but people knew what they were donating money towards. There are fundraising sites for Foster Campbell’s campaign, but people aren’t rushing to donate $6 million. I will forever love this tweet that sums up Jill Stein’s actions perfectly:

Women choosing how and when they want to become mothers isn’t “eugenics” you tool.

As a woman on the internet, or an app, or via text, I feel like it is my absolute right to not respond to a dude or be forced to offer any explanation as to why.

Very touchy, aren’t you? No wonder you have to live through strong fantasy characters. Pathetic.

Can’t even face the press with a real press conference. Has to hide in Trump Tower and pre-tape a video. What a coward.

I’m not having kids more many reasons, but this makes me feel extra smug about my decision.

What about the millions of young people, myself included, who sucked it up and voted Hillary despite her ties to Wall Street, the fossil fuel industry, Walmart, the fracking industry, etc? Women 45-65 got Trump elected. Fuck off with your blaming millenials, I’m sick of hearing that tired, inaccurate shit.

Fuck you with blaming young people. Myself and my entire office held our noses and voted for Hillary. My mom, and most of our parents, however, did not. Trump won women 45-65 so this is their mess. Fuck off.

White women / Hillary voter here - but didn’t Hillary lose women to Trump? How is it Bernie Bros’ fault?

Hitler also came to power ‘legitimately’ so I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make.

