
Also: Amy Goodman getting ‘inciting a riot’ charges brought against her for doing her job as a journalist. They were ultimately dropped, but scary times.

I love how Trump is literally incapable of telling the truth and labels the people tallying up and reporting on all his lies “the most dishonest people.”

I work in television and always figured this is how it works. Like, obviously. All “reality” shows have pre-production schedules like scripted ones. You can’t just drive around and wait for someone to find a house, put an offer in, close on the house, and then come up with a design plan and execute it.

What a bunch of lazy assholes. You know how much rewrites cost? Between 30k and 60k. Chump change in comparison the money these franchises haul. It just shows a complete lack of respect for the audience and they couldn’t care less about the franchise or its fans.

I read the linked article and the jury foreman was actually a male victim of statutory rape.



Inside Scoop: There are actually FIVE Deadpool suits from the original movie and 20th Century Fox rents them out for a phenomenal amount of money. My bet is on Taylor reaching out to Ryan, him being like, “suuuuure you can use the suit” and then had Fox send over an alternate. Probably even sent her people a bill.

It was one of the most bizarre, surreal experiences I’ve ever had at a job. Before I left my boss was having me source a copy of the Federalist. The ORIGINAL Federalist Papers. He also owned an original bible handwritten in the 16th century. The coolest perk was he had a 5,000 item library that he let me borrow from

It’s true. My first job out of college I worked for a billionaire who also had a PhD in physics. My theory is it attracts people with their own god-complex. Powerful people who want to feel like they’re superior, and have earned this precious, elite knowledge. You and I know it’s just the work of a sci-fi fantasy

My sister and I did Eleven and Joyce Byers from Stranger Things!

My theory: Albert killed himself and uploaded his consciousness into Bernard. He knew, 35 years ago, it was the only way to take back the park.

I’m a 20-something woman and I have always used ‘Kurt’ and a picture of a boom box on my ride-share apps. The drivers are always a little surprised when I show up, but I do it as a matter of safety seeing as I most often request rides late at night and are going to my home. I figure they’ll assume a guy ordered me

Orlando Bloom went as Bill Clinton. He has gray hair and they’re holding hands.

It’s similar to her “sexy face.” Does she look bad? No, but I don’t think she looks quite how she sees herself in her head.

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This is totally worth watching. Michael Moore visits a prison in Norway:

Yeah season 2. Season 3 just wrapped. I love this show all around because the women characters are so badass and the 80's synth soundtrack is awesome.

‘Halt & Catch Fire’ did the best abortion episode last season and it completely flew under the radar. But highly recommend, 5 stars.

My friend flew home to visit family and took this photo on a walk around Notre Dame campus. I find it appalling. Mainly because the “mother” in the photo is about 12 and the only “Innocent Victims of Abortion” I can think of are all the women who died trying to access one.

When I was anorexic and worked out to an unhealthy degree and only weighed 102 lbs from starving myself, I still had love handles. Some shit is genetic. You don’t know what you’re talking about.