I’d recommend Let’s Players who are less like Pewdiepie. There’s Game Grumps, which is more about telling silly stories then the games themselves, Super Beard Bros, which is both funny and takes a much more analytical approach, and then Team Four Star does some LP’s as well where they their LP’s into stories (Their…
But why now? Why This Sperm?
This article reminds me of my ex husband, and my mother.
You’re right. Trump as President is not going to be easy to accept. I really do fear for this Country. The economy is going to tank and all of us are going to be hurt by this. Those who voted for Trump don’t understand that automation is a bigger threat to their jobs than companies moving factory jobs to Mexico. How…
We try, but TBH we’re all dying inside tonight.
“He wears those douchey Ed Hardy shirts. If he wants to see us, he needs to stop wearing that shit.” - Mady and Cara
11. Sadly, #FACTS are never on our side.
-100 Lessons Women Learn the Hard Way
People just go out of their way to discredit women who have been assaulted, abused, raped... Sure, all victims are in cahoots plotting in some musty basement! Plotting what exactly I don’t know though.
Amber Heard is obviously just donating to charity for the money!
Um yes, many RA or other arthritis patients can and do rightfully say we’re receiving chemo. Methotrexate is a chemotherapy agent. Here’s the problem: when people hear arthritis, they think of grandma with a sore thumb. The reality is people with autoimmune arthritis are sick every damn day, with joint pain and…
My Dad loved me to pieces, but if I committed a terrible crime I’m pretty sure he would have thought I deserved just punishment.
Getting married because you’re expected to is the exact opposite of woke.
You have written words, and published them! You have written a comment. Well done!!! I am impressed with your efforts. Bravo!!
I’ve literally been told I can cure my autoimmune illness by cutting out “ethnic food” and eating good ole American food, as we were made to do.
Well, then, if inflammation is the worst enemy, let’s start handing out prednisone. Moon face for everyone!
Yes. We all remember. What we don’t remember is the players who logged out and hated themselves because of some horrific shit that was said to them, because they couldn’t play a video game to the standards of some other gigantic asshole.
Before this asshole’s Yelp page exploded, there were complaints from patients who were overcharged. It’s possible he did the same to you. Not sure what you could do legally, but it might be worth it to talk to other patients and see what their experiences were.
I’m wondering if there could possibly be any grounds for a class action lawsuit against him by former patients for being made unwilling parties to illegal activities. If there was any way to hit him where it would really hurt him and wreck his financial ability to go on any more poaching expeditions that would be…
You didn’t know, though. And it sounds like he kept it from his patients. Why didn’t he have photos of him and his kills all over the office? Shouldn’t he be proud to show what he did?