
Why not? They need the tax money.

They aren’t all far-right Republicans — including Trump — and they all love money

Omg, yes fuck you Susan Sarandon. I hope you enjoy clinging to your ideological purity while Trump guts this country and drags us back to 1851 or whenever he believes America was great before.

SORRY but yes you voted for him because you are smug and hardcore snowflakin’. You clearly have little-to-nothing to lose from a Trump presidency. I voted for Bernie in the primaries and Hillary yesterday. Do I agree with a lot of Hillary’s policies? Not particularly.

However. I have moderate to severe asthma, which

Nope. Racism is (again) shorthand for white class anxiety. Intersectional or fuck off.

Spoiler alert: it’s not going to get better for them. It’s been downhill for them since the Reagan administration, but they keep voting for the folks that ship their jobs overseas, bankrupt their pensions, pull their social safety nets, etc. Asking for sympathy while shooting yourself in the foot really only

No, but I will demonize you and your party for a) failing and thus causing a lose/lose situation and b) not showing any evidence that should you have gotten the goal you wanted, that you would have done anything meaningful with it.

And you didn’t even get your fucking 5%, you assholes. You ruined it for everyone and you did it for nothing.

That’s because “it actually wasn’t really Nader’s fault. Gore was just a bad nominee. Blah blah blah.”

Fuck people who stayed home, wrote in Bernie, or left the President choice blank (My Father.) even more.

Are those paillettes made of a flexible material? Because if they aren’t, and they’re sewn on the seat of her pants (which they must be), sitting down would be a crunchy affair.

I want this Barbie! Buy me this Barbie!

This is all fine and good but for the love of god we need to remind everyone that Martha and Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party starts TONIGHT on VH1!

With you. I have a cream shirt I’ve almost outgrown but I’m going to rock over my 26 week twins. there might be some belly gap but as a nasty woman that’s to be expected...

Decades of impotent rage, violence, fear and injustice has soaked into that land.

Funny that the Durst Corporation would comment on a prison....

I’m wearing white and made a little suffragette ribbon for my son to wear.

You have to go subtle. People will get it. I did my nails in D blue this morning, and when I was out running errands today, every woman I ran into at my various stops gave me a huge grin and quite a few struck up convos, which usually doesn’t happen around here. (None of the men I encountered seemed to notice. Every