
I will be highly disappointed if he does a Ted Cruz with Trump though. I said I considered voting for him, and I listed some of the things I was weighing below.

He expanded Medicaid and said he would leave abortion and gay marriage alone and was against the North Carolina bathroom bill. I know what he voted for in the past and how things changed or stayed the same.

Hugs back lady.

Thank you!!

I just laughed so hard I spit out my water. I really needed that; thank you!!

A movie like that is almost impossible to make again.

One of the best movies of all time even though I feel dirty every time I watch.

I am all for that. Glasses are sexy and a little kinky.

Funny how I needed to learn and now that’s wrong too. Done with this; I hope you have a good night. Truly.

My definition of hero worship would be jumping on the bandwagon of candidates others picked in 2 or 4 years. Goodnight.

Considering the left needs to rock the 2018 midterms, we need to start researching and planning immediately, from local to the White House.

I have three children who were born 2, 7, and 8 years before the abortion. Only the 2 year old is mine biologically, and even though they are my ex-step-children, I love those two kids just as freaking much as the one I carried. There was no feasible way I could afford another, nor was I in a healthy relationship or

Awwwww, massive hug right back at you. I know 99% of the time it was the right thing to do. If you want to talk sometime if you ever feel like a monster, which unfortunately I do very infrequently, or even if just a little down, I would love to chat.

I actually want Sanders as Prez with Booker, Warren, Ruiz or someone more left-leaning than centrist. I definitely think Michelle would be great starting somewhere smaller in government though.

I actually want Sanders as Prez with Booker, Warren, Ruiz or someone more left-leaning than centrist. I definitely think Michelle would be great starting somewhere smaller in government though.

Final thought: I’ve wanted Booker in the WH in some capacity since 2009 due to the great documentary about his initial failed attempt to be mayor of Newark. Big fan of Warren for a long time, and yes, I have no problem admitting Ruiz is a newish favorite. Peace.

I’m done trying to have an actual conversation with what has turned into trolling for some reason. Night night.

I’m trying to engage and listen to you, and instead you just want to insult me.

I also asked you who your picks would be but never got an answer.

I research candidates I think I’ll like, and I was considering voting for Kasich had he been the GOP nominee simply so things would actually get done. So no, I don’t jump for everyone thrown at me. If it makes you feel better to be a jerk, good for you.