*Whispers* Me too.
*Whispers* Me too.
It just seems so...tacky to me...that French flag overlay on Facebook. It makes me really uneasy for some reason.
God, this.
Purple, Greenboy, and Hedy Lamarr.
I would like to know where this special puppy-oriented six-inch-deep swimming pool is located. A few cats of my acquaintance might find this of interest.
They probably aren’t, but Ms. Idusuyi is doing a great job contrasting herself - even with this small bit of politeness on her part - from these people & the whole spectacle of Trump.
It’s here. It’s time. It’s the fourth GOP debate, and not even close to the last, because someone decided we need a d…
Bang-up because our brains literally feel like they’ve been jouncing around in the back of a car barreling down a road that is nothing but potholes and scattered roadkill right
It’s from poverbs.
I don’t know, I kind of like that they used the term “children.” Because that’s what they are. I feel like calling them “desirable teens” or “desirable young adults” would have made it seem like less of a problem.
In light of the topic of this article, here are some resources for anyone who needs help:
I don’t care if this is a “blog”, I don’t care that ppl mostly make fart jokes in the comments. I am simply amazed at how singular and informative her reporting always is (on topics where most sports writers are burying their heads in the sand), and it’s why I come here.
This is as important a story as Deadspin has ever done. My contempt for Hardy, Jones and Goodell is matched only by my admiration for Diana’s epic reporting.
Barefoot and frightened, Nicole Holder walked as fast as she could through the darkness, and the moment she saw the…
Am I...am I supposed to think Seth Rogan is cool?
Ugh, Seth Rogan: Laughs at his own jokes harder than his audience does. Every. Time.
His I-like-drugs shtick is getting old.
Did I wake up in some alternate universe in which presidential candidates WANT people to believe they’ve stabbed someone and hit their mother with a hammer?? I’m losing my mind right?? Are we dead??
Probably way too soon to tell, but good longitudinal study fodder. I’m gonna say it’s a combo of: air show crashes, NASCAR carcinogens, sausages, Snausages, Natty Light, cat scratch fever, Hotel California, HPV, SIDS, BLM, DMV, BMX and RBG.
Venn Diagram of Sandra Bullock Fans and Bolivian-Political-Documentary-Based-Movie Fans may not have a ton of overlap. Who knew?