FelyxLeiter is out there

Your name=awesome.

I’m so sorry about your father. Love and peace.

In its later years, the giant red douchebag tree changes color to a magnificent blazing orange.

Welcome back to the “real world!” Nothing in life is easy, but this is worth it. You CAN do it.


Same! The pixie was SO fun and easy, but alas, it feels like time for a change. Happy growing!

Yeah, I had to re-read that sentence a few times. Yikes.

Right?? I feel like I need to scrub down with one of those falafels.

Radiolab did a segment about Dr. Heimlich a few years ago (http://www.radiolab.org/series/podcasts/6/). Long story short: Dr. Heimlich promoted some really questionable therapies, and his son is vocal about their sketchiness.

And I’m sorry, that was just a wave of self-pity and despair that I sloshed on your post. I didn’t mean to do that.

I’m so sorry. And I’m completely with you; this year has been the fucking worst. I’ve gone to rehab twice for alcoholism and was committed to the effing psych ward of my local hospital following a suicide attempt (which was so traumatizing that I attempted suicide again when I was released). I worked my ass off and

Hear, hear! Just re-watched it two weeks ago and can’t believe I forgot how damn good it is.

My husband contracted it a few years ago (from our indoors, declawed in the front paws cat; and no, we didn’t declaw him, we adopted him that way). I kept telling him the symptoms looked like CSF, and he finally went to his doctor, who is a friend of his. Sure enough, he tested positive. Doc thought it was

“Our staff is full of military and some relatives have passed away due to 9/11.”

Hope your mom is okay. <3 Don’t beat yourself up for not knowing what to do; the first time my husband saw an episode, he did exactly what you did, because it’s just so freaky and sudden (I know some people can sense when one is coming on, but personally I just drop and wake up on the floor a few minutes later with no

Agreed. I just had my most recent one last Thursday while out at lunch with a friend. Thankfully, the restaurant staff was amazing (as was my friend), but it's really embarrassing to be that prone and helpless, especially when you're blacked out for the whole thing. I puked on myself and bit my lip till it bled, and I


Flute and piccolo. And I painted the mural that’s still on the wall in the band room sixteen years later (JHC, how could that have been SIXTEEN years ago??)

I effing love my name (which isn’t Felyx, to your shock and surprise). I’m honestly SO happy to have my name. My younger sis has a very unique name, which used to bother her, but now she loves it. And it fits her perfectly. Parents kinda gave up after surprise #3, so my brother doesn’t have anything special, but still

THIS. Thank you for bringing it up.